Wednesday, July 27, 2016


It was time for the camp to hike up the Continental Divide!
It seems like a dream now that we were hiking in long sleeves and fleeces as I sit here sweltering in a Mississippi July but it was chilly in Colorado at over 12,000 feet.
Addison can sure look sweet sometimes...

Ready to hike!

There was snow beside much of the trail-the kids thought it was so fun to make snowballs in June.
We found out later that volunteer college kids from Trail West drove to the trail the day before we came and SHOVELED the trail so it would be possible for our camp to hike it!! Seriously!!  That is dedication.

My three ready to conquer the mountain!
I am sure we will be getting some sort of citation from the state of Colorado because Addison kept veering off the path to pick wild flowers no matter how many times we told her it was illegal.  

Amelia tried to keep her snowball even as her hands were becoming little frozen icicles.  
Halfway up!

We made it!  So worth it!  The view is magical.
They even look like they love each other here :)

Look at that beauty!  Look at that view!  Look at my son peeing off the mountain.  Sigh.

Our whole camp!
After we hiked down they had snacks and drinks waiting for us.  We earned it!
Back at camp, after our hike, Addison was ready to ride the pony!

Strawberry and Eeyore were excited to have Addison come visit.  Eeyore is the donkey and he is so funny.  He has anxiety issues and is only calm and happy if he is beside Strawberry.  So he follows Strawberry all around the pen.  
It's good to have a friend.

Addison of course LOVED Eeyore!

Addison riding Strawberry...and there is Eeyore, right beside them!  Ha!

The big kids spent hours and hours playing Octoball at camp!  They LOVE it and Amelia was the champ many, many nights.  They play this game at Twin Lakes too!

Luke went fishing in the trout pond and caught this guy!

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