Saturday, November 26, 2011

Turkey, turkey, turkey

Happy Thanksgiving!  Addison helping me with the main attraction...the turkey!

Good looking bird if I do say so myself:)

We are thankful for best friends.  Amelia and Luke helped decorate and set the tables this year.  The kids table we covered in brown butcher paper and the kids wrote what they are thankful for with crayons.    They wrote God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, all the members of their families and their dogs.  I hope we can keep them that sweet forever.  We were happy it wasn't all things, you know Wii, Nintendo, movies, toys, etc.  Amelia and Luke also made the name cards.  Luke made a hand print just for him but for everyone else we made turkeys using our finger and thumb prints.  They turned out pretty cute.

Happy Thanksgiving!  We are so thankful for all of God's blessings he showers on us daily.  We are thankful for our families far away and our friends here that have become our family.  

The night after Thanksgiving Stephen and I played in an adults only tournament.  It was the annual Tacky T-shirt Turkey Tournament.    Stephen won with his t-shirt.  It says, "Kids are My Business" and then he wore a name tag that says Coach Sandusky.  He won all the votes and his prize was a turkey!  I guess I need to make another turkey now.  

My tennis friends Mary Claudia and Lisa.  


Amelia had a girl scout event at the Children's Museum art room; so the younger Boskos got to play at the museum.  It was funny to watch these two interact without Amelia intervening.  Luke took very good care of Addison and they fought a lot less without Amelia around to boss them.

Addison serving me tea and cupcakes.

Luke was filling out guest books and delivering mail to the different rooms at the old time hotel.  Look at that look of concentration.

They love the airplane, it comes complete with a ticket counter, luggage,etc.  You might not be able to see but they are both in pilot hats and Addison is watching Luke intently.  She tries to do everything he does.

Amelia, Hayden and Mckenzie learning how to scrapbook.  

The finished projects!  Good job girls :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa visit

Amelia and Luke have joined our church's children's praise team called 1st Praise.  Luke is in the first row, Amelia in the back row.  The children sang beautifully last week in church and really enhanced our worship experience.  Grandma and Grandpa happened to be visiting that week and got to listen to the children sing also.

Grandpa Jon and Grandma Nancy with the kiddos.

Now that we moved to a house on the water, Grandpa had a blast fishing during his visit.  He caught a bunch of beautiful trout that we grilled for dinner and he also caught a giant drum fish.  

Grandpa fished while the kids were at school but as soon as the kids got home, they ran down to the dock as fast as they could to fish with Grandpa.  

Giving Addison some pointers on catching the big ones.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sunday Morning photo shoots

I probably need an intervention soon.  I cannot stop taking photos of my kids.  Because everyone is clean and dressed to the nines on Sunday mornings before church, I usually start snapping away.  It has come to be known as the Sunday Morning photo shoot.  My poor kids.

Cuz really, a giant bow on the head isn't enough...might as well add one to the belly too.


Monday, November 7, 2011

School projects

Third grade means...VOLCANO PROJECT!!!!  The kids had to choose a volcano, write a report on the volcano, make a labeled model and fill out a fact form on the volcano; did I mention this is third grade?  

Amelia's Krakatoa Volcano.  It is a volcano in Indonesia.  As kids become school age, you quickly realize there are two types of parents.  Those that let their children have their own ideas and complete their own projects, and those that basically shoo their children out of the room because "mommy is working on her volcano project."  As seen from the above volcano, we are of the "let the kid do it" mindset.  Amelia was very proud of her volcano which looked a little like a lopsided chocolate cake.  We went to school to drop off Amelia's volcano and you should have seen some of these volcanoes!!  Clearly, no 8 year old could do this work.  Some of them were taller than Addison and looked like something Disney imagineers would have thought up.  I put my proud parent face on and dropped off Amelia with her "chocolate cake."    Which by the way, one mom made a chocolate volcano cake complete with molten lava leaking over the edge.  Geesh.  

Here is the finished project, great job Amelia!

Amelia reading her report to the class.  

The kids didn't have to make their volcano erupt but Amelia made hers so it erupted!  She got lots of "Awesome!" and "Cool" from her classmates.
Recently Amelia's Connections class had an awesome experience.  They got to travel to Pensacola to the Naval Museum and even had the Blue Angels perform for them.  They then got to go in a simulator, see an IMAX film and experience some of the jets.

What a cute pilot.  After the naval museum, the kids went to the Science Exploreum because their Connections class is about to start a study on Australia.  Besides all of the science experiences, the museum had a special Australia exhibit complete with kangaroos!  Amelia's highlight of the whole day was petting a baby kangaroo:)