Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Day part two

After all those Santa presents, we needed to refuel and regroup.  So after a yummy breakfast and some well needed coffee we headed into the living room to open the presents under the family tree.
Sadie could barely contain her excitement as one can see from the picture.

Christmas hugs!

That's for sure.

It is fun seeing what the kids pick out for each other when they go shopping.  

Bears will always be #1 in his heart but he wanted to be able to support our local team as well...considering we are going on 13 years living in Mississippi.

He wanted throwing axes.  For real.
This is what he asked for.

When you both ask for the same sunglasses on your Christmas list.

Luke's biggie.  
A real deal LSU helmet.

Addie's biggie.
A gizmo texting watch.

Amelia's biggie.
A furry, cozy chair for her room.

Stephen's biggie.
Again.  He asked for this.
I thought it was a video game thing.
Nope.  It's just a giant Iron Man-ish hand thing that lights up and makes sound.  
That's it. That's what it does.

My biggie.
Diamond and sapphire tennis bracelet.

Post Christmas day golf cart ride around Ocean Springs.
Yes, we are all still in our matching Christmas jammies.
Yes, the dogs wanted to come too.
Yes, Stephen wore the giant light up hand and waved to everyone on the beach.

Merry Christmas!

Not a creature was stirring...not even Sadie, Wrigley or Gizmo.
Santa came!
Merry Christmas!

Wrigley, as always, keeping watch over the loot from Santa.
(And waiting for his kids to come in the room) 
Lots of fun opening presents from Santa!

He's got a girlfriend now, time to smell good I guess :)

Lots of excited faces on Christmas morning:)

Santa knows books are still a favorite with Amelia.


Santa knows Luke is happy with anything LSU related.

This face.  
Addison COULD NOT believe Santa brought Frost a cat bed! 
Mom and Dad could not believe it either.

Addison has been caring for a neighborhood cat for months.  He comes to her every day when she gets home from school and sometimes waits outside our door for her to come home (which our dogs just love as one can imagine).  She feeds the cat and loves on him.  I guess Santa, like Addison, has a heart for animals because Frost is the brand new owner of a cat tower.

Big girl purse for Big girl Amelia :) 

SEC pennants for Luke!

Books galore for Addison!
Thank you Santa!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Oh What Fun!

We made it to Christmas Eve and it was time to throw another epic Christmas Eve party for our church :)
Nell and I were super on point with our coordinating Christmas pants this year, high five!

The girls and their curls...Amelia did not have curls.
  Sad face.  
This is the first year Amelia did not sleep in pink rollers for Christmas Eve, I mean, I guess she is 16 but sniff, sniff.

Some of the "littles" checking out Jesus' Birthday cake.

Love these girls

How many kids can we fit on a trampoline?
Thankfully we had another gorgeous Christmas Eve weather day, everyone got to enjoy the outside and I did not have to worry about fitting 80 plus people in my house! 

All these cuties have turned into teenagers!

Sweet Amelia and Josh.

The Neffs and Boskovichs, Best Buddies Forever.

Amelia, Hayden and Mckenzie all grown up.

I sure love these three BIG! 

Real life family photo.

The best we got this year.

Me and my handsome hubs.

After church, time for the traditional matching Christmas jammies.

Addison LOVES this pose every year with her siblings. Amelia and Luke not as much, ha!
They tolerate it because it is Christmas.

Merry Christmas Eve!