Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hurricane Isaac

This was Monday while we were preparing for Hurricane Isaac, at that point we knew it was going to be a Category 1 but we were not sure yet where it would make landfall.  We have a gigantic ancient oak right next to this room of windows so we went ahead and boarded up just in case we lost a branch. All along, this storm was going to be more of a water issue than a wind issue.  The surge was estimated to be 8 to 12 feet in Ocean Springs and our house sits at 15 feet so we were hopeful that estimations were correct or overestimations.

On Tuesday, the day Isaac was going to make landfall.  It was projected to make direct landfall west of us however it was such a huge storm and such a slow storm that it was definitely going to cause a lot of water surge.  We took the kids down to the beach.  Normally, the beach goes past that grassy spot you see in the distance.  We were at the beach for about 20 minutes and by the time we left the water had made it all the way past the sidewalk.  That is all due to surge since it didn't even start raining until hours and hours later.

Picture of front beach before the storm but at the start of the surge.  Eventually the water got so high that it flooded Front Beach Road and Washington Avenue had about 3 or 4 feet of water.

Stephen had to stay at the hospital for a couple of days so the kids and I headed to higher ground at Grandpa Steve's house.  He only lives minutes from us but is at higher elevation, has great hurricane protection and has a whole house generator for when the power goes out.  We had good food and felt much safer.  The dogs were troopers during the storm and didn't fuss a bit.  Sadie was a big baby like always and loved having Grandpa wrap her in a towel and snuggle her after going outside.

Isaac Schmisaac.

This is Grandpa's backyard.  That huge tree fell on top of his fence and his beautiful palm tree.  Lucky the fence caught it though or his neighbor would have a smooshed house.

On Wednesay afternoon we returned home and found this tree had fallen on our dog fence.  How lucky was that? No damage to our house and no water !

This is what we rolled up to when we drove up to our neighborhood.  These are my across the street neighbors, partying it up, like always.  Love Lovers Lane!!!

Our kids joined in on the fun as soon as we got home.  Skim boarding, kayaking and just good soaking wet fun.  This is a view of the Lemon's field next to my house.  Thankfully, it collects all the water.  Their was even two big mullet fish in there because it wasn't rain water, it was water from the back bay that got pushed inward.  Crazy.

Go away Isaac...although they are loving all the time off of school.  This is basically the south's snow days.

Joanna and I having a grand ole time during Isaac. 

These are pictures on Thursday morning.  I took all these pictures for those of you who have been to my house so you could see landmarks you remember.  This is the lot behind my backyard.  Over by my fire pit.  In a lot of the pictures you will see the line of debris-that was the highest point the water got.  

Amelia checking out the field today and how far the water came up.  

This is the "beach" in the back of my house that we usually play at.  It was a good 30 feet further into the shore than it is normally.  Usually from this direction there is a dock sticking up but it is totally submerged.

This is looking the other way from our beach, toward the Ocean Springs bridge.  We can usually walk out to that pier in the distance at low tide.  It was super deep now.

The debris line with my house in the background.  It really never even got close to our house-we were so blessed considering how much water surge Ocean Springs got.  

More mess.

Dad, this is Ms. Betty's dock.  Or it was...

This is my friend Julie's dock and property.  Usually none of this is under water.  Both of these neighbors are on Lover's Lane just two houses down from me.  

Our house, high and dry this time.  Thank you God for keeping us all safe.
This is Highway 90-Hard Rock Casino on the left with the Beau Rivage further up on the left.  Our house is just over the Ocean Springs bridge over Biloxi back bay from this picture.   

This is the pier we have all played in if you have come to visit.  It is on Front Beach right across from the playground.  Unbelievable...

This is going over the little bridge on the way to Grandpa's house.  This is right across from Gulf Hills country club.  It's called Mikey's on the Bayou.  

This is Hwy 90 again by the casinos.  This is right where we would turn to go to the Kroc Center for those of you who have been there with us.  Right by the Grand Casino.

Another picture of Hard Rock.  As you can see, considering the surge level, we were spared all the damage at our house.  We are feeling very relieved and thankful that Isaac did not get stronger but we are praying for recovery and peace for those that Isaac did affect.  Thanks for all of your prayers and concerns.  

Monday, August 27, 2012

Say it isn't so!

My littlest peanut, off to preschool.  

The Children's House Montessori School, Addison was ready, I hope they were ready for her!

Another year full of memories

August 25 marked our eleventh anniversary.  

Still laughing, living and loving, what more could we ask for?

The day that started it all...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Future Chopins?

The kids have asked to take piano lessons so we thought we would give it a go.  I would love to have them play the piano while I sit and drink my coffee.  That is of course, once we have progressed from Do Re Mi and Twinkle, Twinkle.  As Luke's piano teacher told me and witnessed from above photo, "Luke sometimes has a little bit of a harder time sitting still."  Ya think?  

Ah, proper technique.  Much better.  Although really, while they practice at home I have no idea if they are doing it right or if it sounds correct because as previously stated in this blog, I have no musical ability and quite possibly might be tone deaf.  Just ask the people that sit by me at church as I belt out worship songs.  My experience of piano lessons was torturous.  The teacher was some old biddy who never let me near the piano and only let me work on flash cards.  Two years of flash cards learning the bass and the treble cleff and I still never touched the piano, there is only so much "Every Good Boy Does Fine" one 6 year old can take.  No wonder I became a jock instead.  

Amelia is excelling and loving piano lessons and the teacher adores Amelia's long, spindly fingers.  

Addison is holding her own and constantly making us laugh, even though we shouldn't because she is as sassy as can be.  I told her today, "Addison, you are something."  She looked me square in the eye and said, "Yeah, mom, well you are something ELSE."

Monday, August 13, 2012

Proud of our local gold!

Brittney Reese, a coast local, won Olympic Gold in London!  She won the long jump gold with a jump over 23 feet!  We showed the kids the distance and it was the length of our whole family room, absolutely unbelievable!  We wanted to be part of the celebration to welcome her back to her hometown, so we headed to the airport for the festivities.  It was so exciting to chant "U.S.A, U.S.A and WAY TO GO BRITTNEY, WAY TO GO."  Well, exciting for most of us, Addison was a little sleepy and kept asking why everyone kept screaming.  Our cousin-in-love, Darius, is in town visiting so he joined us in the celebration;)

And here is Brittney with her gold medal, unbelievable.  So happy for her and her family.  Way to go Brittney!  Go U.S.A!!!  

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

First Day of School!

I can't believe this little squirt is a fourth grader already.  It just doesn't seem possible.  All stylish and sassy and ready for her new school, Ocean Springs Upper Elementary, OSUE:)

Sunshine, pure sunshine.

First grade means a new school for Luke too.  Oak Park will bring lots of new experiences-including hot lunch and riding the bus (which seems to be the thing he was looking forward to the most).

I see a little boy who looks like he is ready for first grade but then I blink and I see my baby boy Luke sucking his thumb, holding his blue blankie.  Time is flying by.  
Some of my friends mentioned this verse for heading back to school and I hope it leads my children all year and their whole lives...
"Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way, walk in it.'"  Isaiah 30:21

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Just a stinking cute picture of the kiddos and the doggies.

Last day before school started and the kids realized they wanted to have a lemonade stand.  So we ran out and I bought cups and lemonade mix (mommy supplied so it didn't cut into their profits).  I thought, my poor neighbors are going to have to buy it all because Lovers Lane is a peninsula, meaning, a dead end unless you want to fall right into the Biloxi Back Bay, not a lot of through traffic.  Well those little stinkers made $11 each!  And look who were their biggest supporters.  What great Ocean Springs policemen we have, they were so sweet and hung out with the kids for a long time...they even choked down two nasty glasses of instant lemonade.  

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Birthday Girl

Amelia celebrated her 9th birthday with 9 friends at the show Fata Morgana.  It is a Cirque Solei based show with aerialists, stunts, dancing and thrills.  We are fortunate to have the casinos in Biloxi which bring some really amazing shows and talent to our coast.  

The stage manager found out it was Amelia's birthday and placed the girls in box seats in the very front row!  All the girls squealed with delight and disbelief.  The seat were awesome and the performers were swinging over the top of us!

Birthday girl.

Cupcakes after the show.

Big girl...big heart.  I love this girl so much and she is growing up to be such a wonderful little being.  As we talked about her party she said, "Mom, I don't think I want any presents this year but I really want to bring things to the Humane Society again."  So Amelia asked her friends to bring dog/cat food and supplies to her party instead of birthday presents.  When we went to donate the items, we brought Sadie and Wrigley, whom we adopted after Amelia donated items for her last birthday.  The staff were so thankful to Amelia and very excited to see Sadie and Wrigley again.  The staff took more pictures than I did!  I also brought the dogs to remind myself not to come home with any more pets in case I had a moment of weakness.  Luke told me that day in true Luke fashion, "Mom, I want to bring gifts for the animals, but I REALLY want presents for me for my birthday this year; so maybe next year I will give it to the animals."  No problem, buddy.