Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Youth Cue

Over Mardi Gras break, Amelia and I traveled to Waco, TX with her church youth choir.  Amelia was one of the founding members of our church youth choir, called WAM(Worship Arts Ministry) which started three years ago under the wonderful Dr. Michaelle Harrison.    These kids have practiced together diligently every week to prepare for this amazing concert. 

Our 17 amazing singers from First Presbyterian Church of Ocean Springs!  
They joined 260 other singers from around the country at Baylor University for this awesome weekend!   
Youth Cue is described as follows:
"Knowing from the beginning that CUE's mission was to be countercultural, YouthCue set out to make a difference in teenagers' lives.  This ministry was swimming against the stream of empty entertainment.  When festivals are completed and participants have the melodies of scripture forever in their minds, CUE has accomplished the mission of instilling a soundtrack for life."

Our high school girls in WAM, it was Nele's birthday during the trip so the girls surprised her by decorating the room and gifting her with little birthday happies.  This was especially sweet because Nele is an exchange student from Germany and was missing her family very much.  

Lots of bonding and giggles on this trip, especially with a 10 hour van trip each way!!

Our WAM kids the day of the concert.  We could not have been more proud of them!
Out of the 260 kids attending, two of our kids were chosen for solos for the concert.  
I did not get a picture but the Baylor Orchestra also accompanied the kids during the concert.

Last rehearsal before the big concert!
It was breathtaking hearing these kids sing.  I had never experienced anything like it.  I had goosebumps and tears in my eyes the whole weekend because they were so talented.  And like the director said, singing choral music is instilling a soundtrack for life and God is definitely working in these kids hearts.
They sang 10 beautiful songs including songs in Latin and Zambian.  It was remarkable.   
It was beautiful to see how much Amelia enjoys singing and worshiping and how she lights up when she talks about singing with her friends.
And yes, while in Waco, we of course visited Chip and Joanna Gaines Magnolia Market.  

Monday, February 19, 2018

The Singing River Has the Blues

Addison's Gifted and Talented class wrote, produced, acted, sang and danced in the original production, "The Singing River Has the Blues."
The children worked so hard all year to prepare for this play.  They learned all about the Pascagoula Watershed and indigenous and invasive species.
Addison decided to be the Yellow Blotched Sawback Map Turtle and she quickly told her teacher that is much too long of a name and promptly nicknamed it, YBSMT.  She then decided to write a song about the YBSMT which she sang in the play with her classmates dancing behind her.  LIke her teacher said, "That YBSMT is really special." 

Our very own, YBSMT which lives only in the Pascagoula River.

The show was adorable but also super informative.  Addison and her friends taught the school about invasive species such as cogongrass, wild hogs, and salvinia minima and how detrimental they are to our plants and animals.  
Addison had a whole scene titled YBSMT vs. cogongrass.  She battles the cogongrass because it threatens her eggs.  In the end she destroys it with herbicide.  So unbelievably creative!

The whole cast with the wonderful Mrs. Knight!
We had squirrels, foxes, red fish, hawks, turkeys, wild hogs and so much more!
I was lucky enough to volunteer in the classroom many, many days and could tell you each feather, leaf, hog nose, etc. that I glued, glittered,painted or constructed (I tried to tell Addison but she said I was making it all about me...LOL). 
Mrs. Knight is an angel!  She lets these kid's imaginations run wild and she brings it to life! 

This poster represents another song Addison sang in the style of Blues music.  
So cute!
All of the music was sung "Blues" style since Mississippi is the home of blues music, get it, The Singing River has the Blues!!
More set design.  

Addison painted this turtle playing the saxophone!

So proud of all those kiddos and especially Addison Kate!  She loves the stage!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Winter Fun!

We actually have had a very cold winter by Mississippi standards.  Meaning multiple days below 30 at night, which is very rare here on the coast.  
We even had a giant  blizzard, causing our schools to be off for two days.  
Do you see the effects of the giant blizzard?  LOL.
That's it, all the snow we got, but two days off of school!
Now, as bizarre as it was, remember there is no such thing as salt trucks here and to get anywhere on the coast, you have to cross multiple bridges, which ice very easily.  Hence...two days off of school.  

I love volunteering at the kid's schools and spend as many days a week as I can in Addison's gifted and talented classroom.  Her teacher is awe inspiring and amazing and the kid's are so creative and bright.

Addison and I made her Valentine's box for school :)
Gotta love Target!

It's Mardi Gras season!
Time for king cake and parades!
Alden and Addison, partners in crime.

Amelia and Mckenzie, these two sweet girls have been parading together since they were four!

Our Krewe, ha!

Throw me something mister!!
Luke and his buddies enjoying the festivities!

Addison's 9th Birthday!

Addison's birthday fell on a Friday so although she had to go to school, she got birthday pancakes, brought donuts in for a birthday treat and did lunch with mommy.

Our little baby is getting so grown up!
9 years old!

Addison was super excited to open all of her presents...and she was patient.  
After school we went to watch the girls high school basketball game, followed by her birthday dinner and then FINALLY presents!

We love you sweet Addison Kate!  
You are such an energetic, soft hearted, funny, brilliant little girl and you make our world a better place!