Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Happy Anniversary!

Happy 19 years to us!
I'd say yes again and always!


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Amelia's Senior Pictures

This gorgeous baby of mine is all grown up and ready to tackle her senior year.  
I don't really have the words to express the love we have for Amelia and how she fills our world but a part of my heart will be missing when she leaves for college next year.

Mommy the stylist...

Amelia even snuck in some amazing photos with her best friend, Whitney.

We love you BIG Amelia and cannot wait to see you conquer the world with your pheneomenal intellect, love for Jesus and your compassionate heart.


Friday, August 7, 2020

First Day of School


We felt very blessed our school district approved the kids going back to school in person this fall.  There were a lot of changes due to Covid with social distancing, requiring masks, less movement from class to class, nothing social such as lunch/breakfast breaks, pep rallies etc however, the whole family is thankful to have some normal routine back in our lives.  

Amelia Grace
Senior Year
Ocean Springs High School

Little brother heading to the High School as well.  Lucky guy, his big sister drew him a map so he could get around the first day since due to Covid we could not do freshman orientation.
Luke Michael
Ocean Springs High School
9th Grade, Freshman

Addison Kate
Ocean Springs Upper Elementary
6th Grade

We were thrilled to find out Addison was in Ms. Manning's class this year.
Ms. Manning has taught Amelia and Luke as well and we were praying Addison would be in her class as well :) 

A little mask isn't going to stop this girl!
First day of school treat in the golf cart!

We also got "Hounded" the first week of school.  
It is a school spirit thing where your yard gets decorated with lots of Greyhound spirit!
Praying for all of our teachers, administrators and students this year to stay healthy!