Thursday, September 25, 2008

What's in a name?

Baby Boskovich #3 has a name! Luke has now taken to calling Addison baby cakes but Amelia is very excited to tell EVERYONE her baby sister's real name.
Trying to stay warm this morning, it was only 60 degrees when we woke up this morning. It felt awesome, I wish it would stay that way but we are on our way back up to the 80's.
Luke received these awesome fire boots from Aunt Traci and Uncle Kent and Max this week. He loves them and wears them everywhere, to the post office, to the doctor, to Walmart; they are still big on him so he just clomps, clomps, clomps everywhere he goes. He is so proud of them though and always says, "Mommy, I never ever want to take my fire boots off."

Yesterday afternoon after nap Luke was still only wearing a t-shirt and a pull-up. He was walking around the house with one of my closet hangers hanging off of his shirt, and a squirt gun sticking out of the side of his pull up. He told me, "Mommy, it's my bow and arrow and my shooter gun to keep away the bad guys." I am so lucky I have my mighty warrior Luke to protect the house.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Oh Boy . . . It's a Girl!

Okay, granted this picture really stinks but that is the military for you. I received one picture of our new baby girl and that was it. When I asked what sex the baby was I was told, "Maam, that is not our priority." Okay, geez but it was my priority! Anyhow, I broke mister military man eventually and he told me we are expecting another girl. We are so excited and Amelia and I will have another ally. It will be girls rule, boys drool around this house! Luke told me, "Mommy, I told you I wanted a boy baby." Sorry big guy. Amelia said, "Mom, we have to think of names for your baby, like Abby (her best friend)." Luke interrupted and told me I could name the baby Buzz Lightyear or Crab. Hmm, tough choices.

I won't be offended, I know she looks like an alien in the picture but if you are trying to see her: the left circle is her head and you can see her eyes, nose and mouth. The next kind of white circular thing to the right is part of her arm and then her body at the end.

Sorry it has been so long since I posted. Let's just call this last week or so "The Great Ocean Springs Sickness of 2008" and leave it at that. I am back to at least partially functioning and now must get our lives, schedules, house, laundry, groceries, etc. back in order.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Luke!

Our big boy Luke turned three years old! He had a great birthday opening presents, going out to breakfast at Waffle House and having his birthday party in the afternoon. When he woke up and saw all his presents, he said, "Wow, mom I "sink" I have 100 presents!"
Luke has been asking for a "Buzz shooter gun" since this summer so he was thrilled when he got it. I know, I know we shouldn't encourage boys to shoot guns and violence and all that but Luke turns everything into a gun, his fork, his hot dog, legos, everything. So now he runs around the house shooting Zurg and naughty pirates. I mean come on, he's the man of the house right now, he needs to keep us safe.
My friend Missy made this cake for Luke and he was thrilled. He didn't know his party was going to have a Buzz Lightyear theme so he was very excited when he saw all the decorations and the cake.
Make a wish!
Luke had his party at Not too Little, a great play place here in town for the under six crowd. It is an indoor playground, dress-up, game paradise. The kids had a great time running around and playing together. Here they are in the lunch room after eating pizza and fruit and ready for some cake and ice cream. It was a fun day for the little guy.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Preschool Time!

Luke has been talking excitedly about going to preschool for the last two years. Well, the big day arrived and this is how he felt about it. Actually, this is how he felt about it after I found him, he was hiding behind my bed and I couldn't find him. The poor little guy nearly broke my heart. I always assume Luke is my boisterous kid, who loves new situations, who will barely look back at me when I drop him off. Well, I was wrong. But I was able to salvage the morning by giving him an early birthday present. Look at the mood change below when I gave him his first big boy backpack . . . Buzz Lightyear!

That's the picture I was expecting! He still tried to talk me out of preschool the whole drive to school. He kept telling me, "Well mom, I think preschool is all done now." "Mom, I think all the kids went home for preschool today." So I walked him in and we found his hook and played a few toys and it was time for me to leave. He asked me to stay and then asked for a big hug which he got ten more than he asked for and then I told him I'd have a surprise for him when I picked him up. He didn't cry but he looked really sad and worried. I felt horrible but I knew he would love it. So after I dropped him off, I felt guilty and went and bought all the red balloons in Ocean Springs and filled the van with them. Of course when I picked him up he was smiling ear to ear and loved his big boy school and his teachers Miss Mary and Miss Winnie. I asked him what his favorite part of school was and he told me, "going potty two times." Whatever.
I think every kid should get taken out to eat after their first day of school right? So Luke picked McDonald's, surprise, surprise. We met his friend Morgan there and they had a great old time. Luke was very excited about his balloon surprise in the car too. Although I have a feeling when I pick him up Friday he is going to be very disappointed when their are no balloons and no McDonald's, hmm.
That night Luke got to eat dinner off the 'You are special' plate. Always a big hit around our house. My babysitter was kind enough to take the picture for me since I was out and about that evening. Thanks Emily!
Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you big boy Luke!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Home Again

With Gustav coming toward the Gulf, I didn't want to take any chances. We evacuated with our friends to Ft. Walton, Florida. My friend Cynthia's parents live there and the kids just thought we were going to vacation there again. (This time we just decided to bring all of our home movies, photos, baby books, etc.) The kids had a fun weekend playing with Mckenzie and Hayden and Big Daddy and Granny Z. I have found in the south, Grandma and Grandpa, just isn't as popular to call the Grandparents as it is up north. Anyhow, Big Daddy and Granny Z were wonderful to put us all up and cook us great meals and kept us safe and sound through the hurricane. The day after we left Keesler AFB had everyone evacuate anyway so it was good we left when we did.
Here are the kids at a favorite restaurant, The Back Porch, in Destin, Florida. It was the night before the hurricane hit and the waves were getting pretty big. We couldn't swim this time due to the big waves and scary currents.
Gustav didn't bother Florida too much, just lots of rain and wind and tornado watches. In between the bad stuff, the kids played out in the pouring rain. They thought it was just hilarious they got to play out there and their buckets would fill so quickly with the rain water.
The afternoon when Gustav died down a little. We went down to the dock and the water had risen over the lawn. The kids enjoyed "swimming" in the grass.
My house all safe and sound. Tommy, my psuedo-husband while Steve is away, took such good care of our house and yard. Our hurricane shutters gave Tommy a run for his money but it will be easier next time now that he labeled them all. We don't know what the deal is with the living room window but he couldn't get them to fit. A few trees down in the neighborhood but none in our yard, thank goodness. The gulf coast was actually very, very lucky. Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts. Now go away Hannah and Ike!