Thursday, September 25, 2008

What's in a name?

Baby Boskovich #3 has a name! Luke has now taken to calling Addison baby cakes but Amelia is very excited to tell EVERYONE her baby sister's real name.
Trying to stay warm this morning, it was only 60 degrees when we woke up this morning. It felt awesome, I wish it would stay that way but we are on our way back up to the 80's.
Luke received these awesome fire boots from Aunt Traci and Uncle Kent and Max this week. He loves them and wears them everywhere, to the post office, to the doctor, to Walmart; they are still big on him so he just clomps, clomps, clomps everywhere he goes. He is so proud of them though and always says, "Mommy, I never ever want to take my fire boots off."

Yesterday afternoon after nap Luke was still only wearing a t-shirt and a pull-up. He was walking around the house with one of my closet hangers hanging off of his shirt, and a squirt gun sticking out of the side of his pull up. He told me, "Mommy, it's my bow and arrow and my shooter gun to keep away the bad guys." I am so lucky I have my mighty warrior Luke to protect the house.

1 comment:

Chris and Sonya said...

what are you doing shopping at wal-mart?!!! come on!