Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Boskovich Boys hit Chicago

Stephen and Luke went on a boys trip to Chicago, our old stomping grounds,  in July and hit all the hot spots.  
Luke in front of the Hancock Building.   I showed Addison this picture when Stephen texted it to me while they were gone.  I told Addison, "Look at Luke in front of that super tall building!"  Addison replied, "Wait, momma.  What is Luke holding?  Are those gummy worms?  Mom, those are totally gummy worms.  I want gummy worms."

Luke in front of the old water tower.

They had to hit the big Lego Store.

Luke with a slice of pizza as big as his head at Gino's East.

Writing on the wall at Gino's East.

Stephen carried on the tradition in his family of bringing his son to the sacred Wrigley Field for a Cubs game.  His father, and his father before him had done the same thing.

My boys, all set for the Cubs game in the bleacher section, the best place to sit at Wrigley.

Luke awaiting a big catch.  They got to the field early for home run practice and a ball came right to them, but daddy was busy eating a hot dog and missed the ball.  It actually hit his hot dog, the ball even had ketchup on it when the guy down the bleachers retrieved it.  

But guess what, left fielder for the Cubs, Alfonso Soriano, must have seen this cutie smile and tossed Luke the ball during the game.  And this one didn't even have ketchup on it!

Yay Luke!

After Chicago, the boys went to Schererville, IN where Stephen grew up.  This is in front of the house he grew up in and the house we then lived in and brought Amelia and Luke home from the hospital to. The tree Luke is standing under was a tiny little sapling in an envelope that Stephen sent in for from a box of Lucky Charms when he was around Luke's age.  It is enormous now!  I was so glad the new owners have not cut it down.

Luke and Stephen visited with Stephen's Grandma, Luke's Great-Grandma.  Because I was not there to  direct the picture taking, this was it.  Although he and Luke stayed with sweet Auntie Sue, visited with his LIFELONG friend Jeff and his family, our awesome friends the Ruzas...pictures?  Nada.  Sigh.  Boys, gotta love them.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

 Fourth of July's of years gone by...

2010-Sky Valley, Georgia

2011-Greenfield, Wisconsin

2012-Sky Valley, Georgia

2013-Ocean Springs, Mississippi

This is our backyard, sitting on the beach with Back Bay in front of us.  Stephen had to head into work on July 4th, after the race.  The kids and I went to a picnic with some friends and headed home thinking the fireworks were going to be cancelled due to a incoming storm.  What follows is one of those sweet memories I know I will never forget and I can only hope it will be tucked in a little corner of my kids' hearts too.  

The fireworks were a go and it was just my babies, my doggies and me.  We got to oooh and aaah all by ourselves and the kids were awed that we had our "very own firework show."  

This is the memory seared into my brain. 
I sat and watched my kids as they sat and watched the firework show and just felt an overwhelming sense of calm and love and blessing.  These perfect little people that God entrusted me with,sitting with their siblings, and I was just praying they will always know how loved they are and how treasured they are.  
Calm before the storm.

And then, right before the grand finale, the rain fell from the sky in sheets.  We all ran screaming and laughing and slipping back to the house.  We were drenched and panting but it was such a better "finale" to the day than the fireworks could have given us.  I think my kids will remember "that 4th of July when we got soaked in the storm" but I will remember the peace right before.

Fourth of July Fun Run

Daddy and the kids celebrated independence day by participating in the Fun Run downtown.  For #'s 253, 252 and 254, it was their first race ever.

This is right before the adult race began, over 600 runners.  I love my little red, white and blue cheerleaders cheering daddy on.

Daddy bringing it home, waving to his fans.

It was then the kids turn to run.  Little did we know Luke was so fast, he did great.  

Amelia wasn't too far behind Luke and I helped her turn on the jets near the end by running with her.  Her verdict of the race, "I want to stick with tennis."

And look at Little Bit, bringing up the rear.  Addison was so cute running, she had this determined look on her face and was smiling and waving to everyone like she was in a parade.  Daddy ran with her and she did great and ran the whole way.  Never lacking in confidence, Addison told anyone that would stop to listen, "I am faster than you."

Post race smiles.  

Hooray Daddy!  Third place in his age division, 2 miles in 12 minutes 13 seconds.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wisconsin Summer Visit

The kids and I traveled to Wisconsin to visit with Grandma and Grandpa and the cousins.
Cousin time in the pool.  

Annie and Amelia about to play tennis.

Happy Birthday to Grandma Nancy!

  Summerfest is a GIANT music festival in Milwaukee every summer.  You can listen to some great music and eat as much fried food as you can handle.  

Silliness with Max.

Traci and I in our neon shorts:)

All the cousins together, in age order.
Evan 12, Amelia 9, Annie 9, Max 9, Luke 7, Addison 4.

Grandma and Grandpa with all their awesome grandkids.

Sisters, we are loving, loving sisters.  We are in age order too!
Amy 42, Traci 40, Jenni 36 :)

With all the cousins together, we decided to celebrate Max's 9th birthday with mini-golf.  At least for a few minutes, until it started to storm.

After the storm we headed to play baseball with a giant ball, fun for all ages.  My sisters and I used to play this version of baseball with our cousins.  The kids all got a chance at bat and then the storm followed us here too.  
It was a great trip and the kids loved spending so much fun time with Grandma and Grandpa and their cousins and aunts.  
xoxo to all the "Wellhoefers"

After we returned from our trip, Wrigley found a perfect spot to take a nap on our giant luggage bag.

Destin...adults only

We were fortunate enough to head to beautiful Destin again this summer...without our children.  Thank you Ashley for loving our babies, we are so blessed to have you:)  
We returned to Henderson Park Inn which is an amazing bed and breakfast and the best part NO KIDS ALLOWED!!  Not that we don't adore our children but it is so much easier to adore them while sitting on a beach with an umbrella drink, WITHOUT them.  Kidding, kind of.
My view for the week.  

This year we convinced our buddies, Derek and Jenny Gordon to come with us.  

Look at these studs we call ours.  Control yourselves ladies.

Jenny had hats made for us with our nicknames.  JBo and JGo hats are so, so, so funny during happy hour with multiple drinks in your hands.

We had some fierce, competitive games of paddleball during the week.  

Look at that commitment and hustle by Stephen.   

Love this guy to pieces, going on 12 years strong and could not love him more.

Dr. Pepper shots, seemed like a good idea at the time.

Clearly the boys enjoyed them more than the girls.

So blessed to have friends like these in our life.  Such a special trip.