Thursday, July 11, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

 Fourth of July's of years gone by...

2010-Sky Valley, Georgia

2011-Greenfield, Wisconsin

2012-Sky Valley, Georgia

2013-Ocean Springs, Mississippi

This is our backyard, sitting on the beach with Back Bay in front of us.  Stephen had to head into work on July 4th, after the race.  The kids and I went to a picnic with some friends and headed home thinking the fireworks were going to be cancelled due to a incoming storm.  What follows is one of those sweet memories I know I will never forget and I can only hope it will be tucked in a little corner of my kids' hearts too.  

The fireworks were a go and it was just my babies, my doggies and me.  We got to oooh and aaah all by ourselves and the kids were awed that we had our "very own firework show."  

This is the memory seared into my brain. 
I sat and watched my kids as they sat and watched the firework show and just felt an overwhelming sense of calm and love and blessing.  These perfect little people that God entrusted me with,sitting with their siblings, and I was just praying they will always know how loved they are and how treasured they are.  
Calm before the storm.

And then, right before the grand finale, the rain fell from the sky in sheets.  We all ran screaming and laughing and slipping back to the house.  We were drenched and panting but it was such a better "finale" to the day than the fireworks could have given us.  I think my kids will remember "that 4th of July when we got soaked in the storm" but I will remember the peace right before.

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