Friday, March 28, 2014

Fashion Week

A group of my tennis friends headed to New Orleans for some fashion and fun at Fashion Week.  

The whole group of us met in New Orleans early and shopped and went out to lunch.  Laughter and fun all around.  Then Jenny and I decided to go up and check into our room to chill out for awhile before the fashion show.  We pushed the button for our floor and all of a sudden, LURCH!  The elevator stopped!  We took this picture immediately because we thought, "oh how funny, we are stuck in the elevator."  Then after a couple of minutes, we realized oh my goodness, we are SERIOUSLY STUCK IN THE ELEVATOR!!  We needed to call for help and pushed the emergency button.  Then we both started to get a little panicked and sat down while we debated if we plummet would it be better if we were standing or sitting.  

Then we started getting really nervous because every few seconds the elevator would plunge down just a tiny bit but enough to make us both scream.  In the meantime, the operator was telling us the engineer was trying to manually get us down.  Oh my word.  
This is about the time Jenny started praying the Hail Mary which even though I am Presbyterian, I was totally in favor of.  Until she got to the end and it said something like, "until the hour of our death!"  
Well, long story short the engineer eventually pried us out and lowered us down and we had to crawl out between floors.  It was all very traumatic.  We were escorted to our room and as we walked in, I kid you not.  The bed was all wonky.  We looked under the bed and one whole side was broken and hanging down!  We just looked at the bell hop and started laughing.  He called the desk and said they need to give us a new room immediately and he sternly said, "You do realize these are the same people they just rescued from the elevator!"  
Although, it was all worth it because the Westin comped all $416.00 of our charges!  Woot Woot!  You rock Westin, I will totally get stuck in your elevator again to save that kind of dough.

After a few drinks and a change of clothes, we were ready to hit the town!  
(Although we took the stairs)

Walking the red carpet with JGo.

We were VIP all the way-which pretty much bought us Little Debbie brownies and cheese cubes for $130.  But whatev, at least we had front row seats!

VIP tennis girls taking in the fashion.  
Me, Jenny, Carol, Lisa, Mary Claudia and Kim-taking a break from our tennis skirts for a night.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Moving up the ranks

Amelia played in her first USTA tournament.  She played in the 10 and under draw and played three rounds over two days.  
In her first two matches she did not lose a game.  The championship match was against her close friend and they were neck and neck the whole time.  The match came down to a third set tiebreaker and Amelia came out the winner.  
Immediately after her proud!

Way to go Mimi!  

Special deliveries and special friends

Big boxes=Big Fun!
At dinner recently we were talking to the kids about Jesus always being present with us.  Explaining further to the kids we told them as we interact with our friends we should act as if Jesus is sitting right beside us, because He is!  Addison said emphatically, "That Jesus, He watches me like a hawk!"

Ready to ship to Grandma...any takers?

Recently my sweet roommate and bestie from college had a conference in New Orleans!  She currently resides in Minnesota with her darling family.  So we planned a quick visit and got to catch up over dinner and beignets at Cafe Du Monde.  Delicious and so fun to catch up.  I just wish it was more often but I'll cherish any moments we can.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


This Mardi Gras was a year of firsts for us.  The only Mardi Gras we had experienced was our small town parade.  We decided we were ready for some more excitement this year.  That's right, we hit the Big Easy for Mardi Gras this year!  Our friends, the Gordons, had a great set up right on St. Charles street with access to their hotel room (and bathroom) right behind us.  It was perfect for kids.
The guys checking out our spot before the parade.

This is what you see all over New Orleans during Mardi Gras.  Ladders every where with seating built on the top.  It is really fun and perfect for catching "throws" off of the floats.  

It was a chilly day but that didn't ruin the fun!  

Addison checking out our prime seating!

Throw us something Mister!

Celebrating Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

The floats were really amazing and beautiful and massive.

The kids absolutely LOVED it!  They got oodles of beads and light up bracelets, whistles, necklaces, etc.  You name it, they caught it.  

This was such a fun experience for the kids but for Stephen and I too.  I really had no idea about Mardi Gras growing up in the midwest.  The only information I had came from movies and revolved around Bourbon Street and the French Quarter.
This is a whole other side of Mardi Gras, actually the real side of Mardi Gras.  This is how it all began.  It was incredibly family orientated, not an exposed anything to be found.  Just huge, elaborate  floats and music and dancing.  Really, really fun!

Quentin Tarantino was the Grand Marshall of the parade.

You know what this is?  Under this bundle of blankets and glow necklaces, lies Amanda and Addison, fast asleep.  Unbelievable considering the bands were literally 12 inches from them.  All Mardi Gras'd out.  

The Revelers Ball

Mardi Gras season is a big deal down here and this year we got invited to celebrate another aspect of it.  We were invited by our friends from church, the Darphins, to attend the Revelers Ball.  So we donned our black tie best and it was time to, "Let the good times roll!"

Linda Darphin and me at the Ball.  The theme this year was James Bond, so the decorations all correlated to the movies as well as the presentation of "the Royalty."  The Royalty is like Prom Court on steroids.  Feathers and sequins are in abundance and it is really something to watch.  
After the presentation of the royalty, it is time to party!  It was a great band and the dance floor was packed the entire night.  

Us and the Gordons-with some crazy camera effect.

JGo and JBo dressed to the nines.  Happy Mardi Gras!!