Monday, November 25, 2019

College Fun and other happenings

As if this guy has not had enough amazing experiences this year with the LSU he got to tour the locker room as well!  
He said it was absolutely amazing!

Another LSU game, another win!

Luke and Michael out on the golf course!

Stephen and I recently attended our friend, Ben Hudson's, wedding.

We had a fun time celebrating with old friends.
I can't believe Amelia is old enough but we have begun college tours!
Here we are at Ole Miss!

And next we toured Mississippi State!

Our Mississippi schools did not disappoint, the campuses were gorgeous and the tours were wonderful.  Looking forward to touring more colleges and watching Amelia soar!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Veterans Day Celebration and other happenings at Upper Elementary

Addison and her gifted and talented class celebrated Veterans with a mini USO show.
They have been studying WWII and learned about the value of USO shows to boost moral during the war.  
Addison did a stand up comedy routine.  She definitely got laughs.

Addison and her friends from choir also sang The National Anthem and an anthem to honor Veterans.
It was very sweet.

Stephen had to work so he could not attend the Veterans celebration but Grandpa was there! 
Addison wore one of Stephen's patches from his service to honor him.
Addison even made it into the newsletter!
Addison also recently had her Honor Choir concert, the kids did a really beautiful job singing.
Addison also auditioned and made the All State choir!
She will travel with other singers from all over the state to Southern Mississippi University to perform together.  We are so proud of her!
Addison and her amazing 5th grade teachers,
Ms. Parker and Ms. Monaghan!


Friday, November 1, 2019


Look what Stephen surprised the family with!
Recently golf carts became street legal in Ocean Springs so Stephen was so excited to join the party!

The kids were shocked and thrilled!
We drive this thing EVERYWHERE!  We take it to the beach, out for lunch, errands, we pick Addison up from school in it.  It's pretty fun!
Thank you Daddy!