Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Spanish Fiesta and Child Pride Day

Amelia recently had a Spanish Fiesta at school. It was very impressive. The kids sang about 7 songs in Spanish and even danced to the macarena! Muy bueno! Amelia has now surpassed what little Spanish I remember from high school; so I am desperately trying to watch Dora and Diego to freshen up my Spanish skills.

This weekend was Child Pride Day at the base. Amelia and Luke brought their friend Morgan and they had a blast. The kids got to climb around in firetrucks, ambulances, airplanes and helicopters. They also got to jump and slide on countless inflatable bouncers, play lots of games and meet different characters and of course eat plenty of food. It was a very fun day.

Amelia, Morgan and Luke showing off their cool new face painting, well Amelia wanted hers on her bicep. She looked tough.

The kids had this to say about their day,

AMELIA : I asked Amelia if she was tired, she said, "No, I'm not tired Mom, I'm EXHAUSTED!"

LUKE: "Whew, what a long day outside it's been today."

Sometimes they talk like such little adults, it cracks me up.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

We love the earth!

We went to an Earth Day celebration at Gulf Islands National Seashore. Here are the kids showing their love of the earth by hugging a tree. They learned about recycling, animals in our region and why trash can harm the animals. It was really fun with lots of hands on activities for the kids.

Amelia and Luke painted stingrays and fish prints and made some "pinch pots." They had their picture taken for the paper but mommy got nervous and when they asked me for a quote I said something really brilliant like, "We love the earth!" Sorry guys, I might have ruined your chance to be in the paper :)
That night Steve and I attended Mom Prom! We had such a blast! There was lots of great food and great dancing, probably more than at my real prom. Although this prom we had jello shots and I know I didn't have those at my first prom, (I swear mom, I didn't). Steve cutting a rug with our good friend Kristen Kahle!
The day after mom prom Steve and I thought we better work off a little of last nights fun. We walked over the bridge that connects Ocean Springs and Biloxi. It's 1.8 miles across and just beautiful. The bridge just went up in November because it was destroyed down to rubble due to Katrina.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mama Mia!

The kids made their own pizzas the other night. A little messy but they actually turned out really yummy. Of course those of you who are familiar with our tastes know the pizzas were plain cheese. We're all pretty boring in that way I guess.
Luke just wanted to eat all his cheese but eventually some made it on the pizza.
Amelia is playing 4 year old t-ball. She's so cute. Usually when she comes in from the field she will hand me her glove and it is full of flowers that she picked while she was out there.

She's quite the slugger though! Luke is the best little brother, he yells, "Go Mimi go, Go Mimi go!"

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"The Tiger"

Amelia received her very own lefty, pink golf clubs from Grandpa Jon and Grandma Nancy for Christmas. She has been putting them to good use learning to swing. She and a friend will be starting lessons with a pro in the next couple of weeks. Stephen insists her golf swing will be paying for her college someday. We can only hope I guess and hey at least she looks cute trying. Yes, she even has a bow in for golf.

This was just after she hit it, look at the concentration, kept her head down and everything! She was really getting some good loft on the ball, it was really cute to watch.

Stephen was watching a golf tournament on T.V. and showed Amelia who Tiger Woods was. A couple of hours later our babysitter came over and golf was STILL on and Amelia pointed to Tiger Woods and told our babysitter, "That's the tiger." Close enough.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Crawfish, Oysters and Wings Oh My!

We had a wild night last night! A new restaurant opened, called The Dock, and we took the boat out there with some friends and had a blast. The place was huge and hopping considering it was only the second week it was opened. They have an indoor area but also a humongous deck right on the water. We realized as we looked around at all the 20 somethings there in their bikinis (although it was only in the 60's yesterday); we were the old ones there! How did that happen? There was actually a good mix of people and great music. Stephen was brave (the beer, rum and shots probably helped) and tried crawfish and oysters, that's him sucking the head out of a crawfish.
Cynthia and Tommy and Chris and Stephen. Blake and Jenni were suspiciously missing.
Trying his first raw oyster, yuck!
Making the mistake of chewing it.
Still trying to get it down. Gross!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mole Crickets and Pearly Whites

Every heard of a mole cricket? Ugg, we hadn't until now. Our lawn was invaded by the nasty little things and they literally suck the green right out of your grass. You can actually see the tunnel paths around our yard, gross. The kids were helping Daddy get rid of all the dead grass before we planted more seed and mole cricket killer (hmm, probably a better name for that).

If you can look past the dirty faces, you will see pearly whites. The kids went to the dentist today and got gleaming reports! Dr. Buddy (seriously, that is their dentist's name) said they did great and their teeth are looking healthy. They were very well behaved and got bouncy balls, balloons and McDonald's gift certificates. Always a fave around our house.

Friday, April 4, 2008

It stinks when your four year old is smarter than you

On Sunday we (well, me and the kids because Stephen was working) went out on our friends' boat. It was a fun, impromptu trip. The kids had fun playing in the sand and found lots of treasures that day, sand toys, crab shells and two left behind kites! This picture is Amelia and Morgan burying their feet.
I watched Will on Tuesday because my friend Katie had her movers at her house :( Will and Luke played so cute together. They alternated between tackling each other and hugging each other. By the time the morning was done, they had every toy thoroughly played with in the playroom.

Funny Words:

This week Luke said to me, "Yay Mommy! You kept your undies dry, now you get a jellybean!"

Amelia was drawing bananas for a worksheet and one came out a little lopsided and she said, "Look Mom, it looks like a chrysalis." Yeah, and I said, "UHHH, what?" She said, "You know, a chrysalis that a caterpillar turns into before it becomes a butterfly." I looked it up, she's right.