Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Spanish Fiesta and Child Pride Day

Amelia recently had a Spanish Fiesta at school. It was very impressive. The kids sang about 7 songs in Spanish and even danced to the macarena! Muy bueno! Amelia has now surpassed what little Spanish I remember from high school; so I am desperately trying to watch Dora and Diego to freshen up my Spanish skills.

This weekend was Child Pride Day at the base. Amelia and Luke brought their friend Morgan and they had a blast. The kids got to climb around in firetrucks, ambulances, airplanes and helicopters. They also got to jump and slide on countless inflatable bouncers, play lots of games and meet different characters and of course eat plenty of food. It was a very fun day.

Amelia, Morgan and Luke showing off their cool new face painting, well Amelia wanted hers on her bicep. She looked tough.

The kids had this to say about their day,

AMELIA : I asked Amelia if she was tired, she said, "No, I'm not tired Mom, I'm EXHAUSTED!"

LUKE: "Whew, what a long day outside it's been today."

Sometimes they talk like such little adults, it cracks me up.

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