Saturday, May 3, 2008

Some days are just poopy.

Oh my little Luke. He's lucky he wasn't on the curb with a note that said, "Free to a good home." This is his time out chair. He and the chair are very well acquainted. That look he is giving me says, "You can try to break me mom, but I'll win." And I'm afraid he's right. Today he spent most of his day in this chair. A few of his worst offenses are as follows. Threw a Rescue Hero at Amelia's face. She now has a black eye. Threw a book at Amelia, she has a bloody lip. Seriously, it was a really bad day. Then the grand finale. I am downstairs making lunch and Luke yells from the top of the stairs, "Mom, I have to go potty." As I make my way up the stairs, I see my beautiful second born naked, squatting at the top of the stairs. Yes, he made a number two right there! I didn't even have words. I think I just was like, "Ahhh, OHH, NOOO!" He looked up and said, "I pooped." No kidding. Into the bath he goes. So it's finally bedtime. I had just given the kids their second bath of the day, I don't even remember why. I am brushing their teeth, finally I think this horrendous day is over. I went to throw the clothes in the hamper and when I got back to the bathroom Luke looked really wet and slimy. I asked him what he did. He said, "I dumped this on my head." He had dumped a whole bottle of Amelia's leave in conditioner over his head! Back in the bath we go. Yes, if you are counting that made three baths today. When Stephen called from work and asked how our day was. I just told him to read the blog.
Amelia's favorite new gig is this. If Luke is getting in trouble, or I should say WHEN Luke is getting in trouble, she loves to point out she is being very, very good. She will tell me this over and over and get this sugary smile on her face. This is her doing her very, very good while Luke is in timeout in the other room.


Marian said...

omigod! Luke's face is priceless!! He is going to love reading this blog someday!

When we were in Germany visiting Jim, Ronan pooped in the bathtub! And just a week and a half ago, they dumped the contents of a whole shampoo bottle in the bathtub and was excited with all the bubbles they made.

Never a dull moment---life with boys.

Kelly said...

This is one of those days when Andy and I say "lets have another!" or William starts chanting "more babies, more babies! Laugh it off, its the only thing to save your sanity.