Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mole Crickets and Pearly Whites

Every heard of a mole cricket? Ugg, we hadn't until now. Our lawn was invaded by the nasty little things and they literally suck the green right out of your grass. You can actually see the tunnel paths around our yard, gross. The kids were helping Daddy get rid of all the dead grass before we planted more seed and mole cricket killer (hmm, probably a better name for that).

If you can look past the dirty faces, you will see pearly whites. The kids went to the dentist today and got gleaming reports! Dr. Buddy (seriously, that is their dentist's name) said they did great and their teeth are looking healthy. They were very well behaved and got bouncy balls, balloons and McDonald's gift certificates. Always a fave around our house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could use those two to help with my yard work. Are they reasonable? I bet they'd work for free just to play with Mattie. What a mess those mole crickets made - don't send any of those up here.