Monday, October 25, 2010

We love pink!

October is also breast cancer awareness month and time for the Breast Cancer Walk.  This is the fourth year our family has participated and it has always been a great event.  It is a great way to teach the kids about helping others and realizing what great blessings we have in our family.  This was also Addison's first year joining the walk!  At least she had plenty of pink :)

Our friend Jay is so amazing, he gets everyone he can to support the cause and the more money he raises, the more he turns pink. This year he even made his own dress, pretty talented guy.  Real Men Wear Pink.

Our whole team (except Steve and Addi who went on a pre-walk before the walk).  We had more team members than ever before.  Our team raised $8500 for the American Cancer Society!  Go Dulcinea's Angels!

We met for a jewelry making party the night before the walk and the kids made earrings and bracelets to sell to raise more money for the American Cancer Society.  Here are Luke and Amelia making a sale to this beautiful survivor.  Luke would just hold up his bracelets to people and smile really big, he was too shy to talk but it didn't matter;  he is so stinkin' cute that people couldn't resist.

Walking the walk.  Look at Addison riding in style, watching Elmo the whole time on my Iphone.  So typical of that little girl.  This is at the end of the 3 miles, Amelia and Luke were looking a little weary.  So proud of my little pink walkers.

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