Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Vickie returns for a visit:)

Our dear friends the Countrymans came back to Ocean Springs this weekend for a visit.  David had to fly back to Charleston but Vickie got to stay later so we took a boat ride and grabbed an early dinner.  The kids adore Ms. Vickie and were so excited to have her hang out with us.

Stephen calls Vickie my Yoda.  My wise one, I am just the apprentice, still learning to juggle it all.  Vickie's kids are all grown (all four of them) so I seek lots of advice and we pray together and laugh together, sometimes all at once.

Probably one of our favorite places to be, on our boat.  Addison always says, "My boat, my boat."

Addison all relaxed after a yummy dinner, mommy enjoying the sunset.

Amelia learning to drive the boat.

The new apple outfits...look how cute Lukey looks.  He finally let me get a picture and look how sweet he is. 
Cutie pie Addison Kate.

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