Monday, October 25, 2010

Caramel Apple Party

October means time for the Boskovich Caramel Apple Party, actually I think last year it was in November but close enough.  It's turned into quite a big event (we even have a friend who made personalized caramel apple shirts for her girls, so cute!) and I have been told now by many that they count on this as an annual tradition so we better keep it up.  So this year, we had learned a few new tricks for improving the party and let the apple dipping begin!  

The girls playing together before digging in for some apples.

Surprise, surprise, Luke headed right for the good stuff.  

We cut up the apples and dished out the hot caramel but the kids did their own toppings.  We had sprinkles, peanuts and chocolate chips.  Yummy.

We had about 65-70 guests and went through about 75 apples.  After a while the kids realized the adults were busy chatting and enjoying the pretty day, so they proceeded to fill bowls with just sprinkles and chocolate chips and have at it.  Who needs the healthy apple?  

Trying to get a picture of all the kids...  I think I probably got about 75% of the kids but by this point they all had consumed a lot of sugar and trying to get them to sit still in one spot, all together, was nearly impossible.  Thankfully we were at the park so everyone could run around and get out all that sugar energy.

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