Thursday, December 13, 2012

O Little Christmas Town

Our church held it's annual Christmas pageant on Sunday and it was as touching and sweet and wonderful as always.  
Have you ever seen a sweeter angel?

Our pageant kids:
Luke-the always important choir
Amelia-a Bethlehem citizen (a major speaking role this year)

I love the behind the scenes come pageant day.  The tinsel halos, the sheep ears falling apart, all the costumes being held up by safety pins and a prayer.

These are my choir kiddos before we went out to the church.  Love these sweet kids, I mean, don't get my wrong, I probably just about strangled each of them over the last couple of months during rehearsal but they pulled it off on the big night.  I also learned three things through this years pageant: 
1.  I need stronger deodorant, who knew choir was a full workout but I came out sweating after every rehearsal.
2.  Leah, Rebecca and I decided next year a nice pre-rehearsal glass of wine will do wonders for pageant rehearsal
3.  When you want to take a cute choir picture, don't place the pastor's kid in the front row:) 

Precious angels being led by Molly.

Our cast!  They did a great job:)

I can't help more pictures, is there anything cuter??

About this time is when Addison's halo broke off the headband and she kept throwing her head back to get the halo to flip back on top of her head.  She was cracking us all up with her crooked halo.

Grandma and Grandpa got to see the big production too..

Addison and her Grampy.
It was so precious to see the children of our church share the story of Jesus birth, we were all so proud of them:)  Now if I could just stop singing, "Rise and Shine Bethlehem!" 

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