Monday, December 17, 2012

Joy and Love and Magic

I recently hosted my book club girls for our Christmas party.  We didn't have any fun at all...

This year we did an ornament exchange (Dirty Santa style) instead of a book exchange.  We had a blast:)  

This past weekend, like the rest of the country, we just wanted to hold our kids tight and keep them close.  We had a really neat experience at our local Kroc center called A Walk in Bethlehem.  The whole facility was turned into Bethlehem, with each room being a scene of the season of Advent.  (The census, the angel meeting with Mary and then Joseph, the manger scene, the wisemen).  During each scene the corresponding scripture was read and music was played.  It was really beautiful and so special to be able to enjoy with the children.  Santa, lists and toys and decorations are such fun parts of Christmas but to recognize the real joy of Christmas- our Savior was sent to us, just as God promised is the real magic.  That is what I am so hopeful I can fill the kids hearts with, the joy and love of Jesus birth.  They listened so intently to each scene, and even walked through again with our buddies the Hudsons.

RJ the Kroc is always a big hit:)

As Katie said, "Can you believe all these kids came from just our two wombs?"  Bethlehem and dinner date together while the hubbies held down the fort in the Emergency Room.  Such a sweet night.

The cutest quartet ever!  These cutie pies were asked to sing "Away in a Manger" at church yesterday and they did an excellent job.  We were so very proud of them.  Again, another thing I am shocked by with my kids;(and really I consider Hayden, Lizzie and Mckenzie to be mine too, I love them so much) is the ability to sing to a packed church.  I could never, ever do that, not that anyone is beating down my door to get me to sing in public...but still.  So proud!

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