Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Royal Wedding

I have never been into the whole Royal Family drama and I did not watch one program leading up to the wedding but I broke down and recorded 6 hours of the wedding.  I figured I would watch a few minutes of it and that would be that.  Well, I got sucked in and sat on the couch laughing and crying on Friday as they waved at the crowd.  How am I such a sap?  Then I had to leave to take the kids to school so I headed to the gym and what do you know, every TV at each machine was tuned to the wedding.  So here is a bunch of mom's in their 30's working out with a big smile on our faces and tears running down our cheeks.  It was pretty funny.
  I thought I would be done with the wedding by the time the kids came home from school  but apparently, Amelia's teacher is also a royal wedding fan because Amelia got to "watch Princess Katherine walk down the aisle" while at school.  To which Luke, the expert on the royal family as of late, said, "I just like to call her Kate."  So Amelia and Luke were begging, seriously, begging to watch more of the wedding and how could I say no, it's history right?  Thankfully, Stephen was at work so the three kids and I snuggled on the couch and watched the "wedding show."  Even this morning, Addison keeps asking for her favorite part, "Mommy, I watch Princess get out of the car!"  She loves watching Kate get out of the car before she entered into the Abbey, Luke continually asks to see the kiss, just one more time.  He has always been my little romantic at heart.  Amelia thinks the royal carriages are amazing and Luke could be a broadcaster with his constant updates.  "Amelia, you know that lady from sesame street (Diane Sawyer) she said, that is Kate's mom."   "Amelia, that is Prince Harry, that is Prince William's brother."  "That's Kate's sister, Kate's father" etc. etc.  You would think he has been following the wedding for months with all of the information he picked up.  Anyhow, I must be a romantic at heart too because they looked so adorable and in love and I really hope they have years of happiness.  Oh, and don't even get me started on the hats.   I could only dream of rocking an awesome hat like that.
  Ha!  Okay, I am writing this early Saturday morning and Daddy is still asleep but the kids and I are up.  They are eating their cereal and instead of cartoons, they put back on the royal wedding :)  Too funny.  I hear Addison saying, "Princess beautiful, Princess beautiful."

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