Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fancy Nancy Birthday Party

Amelia had a Fancy Nancy birthday party this year and it was FABULOUS! She and I had so much fun decorating the house with as much fuscia, lavender and silver we could find. Thankfully we live in the south and beads abound in these parts; hence, everything that could have a bead hung from it, did.
Amelia showing off her glamorous attire.

Even a fancy girl can kiss her daddy.

Addison wanted to be fancy too.
The girls had etiquette lessons and here they are showing how to curtsy. They also learned how to drink fancy, pinkies up of course! Next, the girls practiced perfect posture by walking with a banana balanced on their head. Very fancy and pretty funny for Stephen and I to watch. They finished up by learning how to wave like a princess.

All of the "Fancy Nancys."
The girls decorated their own tiaras. Plenty of jewels, glitter and sparkles for this project!

The girls then had to practice the etiquette they learned. It was a fancy relay! Two teams and the girls had to dress up in dresses, high heels, purses, necklaces and race down the hall all while balancing the banana on their head. I had know idea how competitive little six year old girls could be! They were really rooting on their team members and helping each other get dressed as fast as their little hands would let them.

Singing Happy Birthday to Amelia! Note all the removed boas, beads, other "fancy" apparel. I had a whole pile of ditched high heels, rings, bracelets, boas, wands and tiaras by my front door to be claimed when the party was over. It is fun to be fancy but these girls learned early that sometimes to be glamorous really just itches, pokes, pulls, squeezes or just plain hurts. It was a fun party and Amelia had a smile on her face the whole time so it was worth it. (Although, I am still picking up pink and purple feathers all over the house).

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