Sunday, July 26, 2009

Addison Kate is Six Months old and Kids Theatre

Say it isn't so, Addison turned six months old! Our little baby is getting bigger by the second. Addison has so much personality now and just loves to laugh and squeal at Amelia and Luke. As evidenced by the picture, she is now sitting up on her own. She loves to sit and play with her toys and eat her books. We are hoping she will eventually turn a new leaf and enjoy reading the books but we will see, after all she was born in Mississippi. (Kidding, kidding).
Had to get a picture of her cute, little hiney. We are in the south we monogram everything, including hineys. Is it hineys or hinies, or hineys'? Anyone?

I took Amelia and Luke to Sleeping Beauty and The Beast which was a cute children's theatre production downtown. It was a comedy of all sorts of different fairy tales intertwined and the kids got a big kick out of it. We had a very grown up night with our friends, Mckenzie and Hayden, going out to dinner and then to the theatre. Yes, Amelia is wearing a sweater, in Mississippi, in July. I think it was a chilly 80 degrees that night, crazy girl.

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