Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dad and Grad

Amelia had donuts with dad at her school. The picture shows how excited she was to have daddy at school with her. She made sure he wore his transformers t-shirt because she said the boys in her class would like it. She also had an Accelerated Reader Luau party at school that day and was awarded for all the books she read her kindergarten year. We are so proud of our big girl, first grade, here she comes!
Mr. Luke graduated from two year old preschool and is very proud of himself as you can see. The tough man has a tattoo on his arm, I scrubbed and scrubbed but that sucker was staying put for graduation. So he had half of a turtle on his arm for his graduation, whoops!

Addison Kate loves to stand up! If we prop her up against the couch, she locks her chubby legs and will stand there and laugh and suck her little hands. She loves it. Crazy baby.

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