Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Big Hats, Mint Juleps and Horses (Must be the Derby)

Our friends Kristen and Rod had a Kentucky Derby party last weekend and it was so fun. They did a great job with the theme, bidding table, mint juleps and bourbon balls. Everyone really got into the Derby vibe, the ladies wore hats and sundresses and the really brave men wore seersucker. Stephen of course, did not, staying true to his northern roots that no man over the age of 24 months has any business wearing seersucker. You can see above a picture of all the ladies at the party in their Derby attire.
Amelia and I all ready for the big race. Amelia bid on Chocolate Candy and Luke bid on Mr. Hot Stuff. Too bad, the Boskovich Family went home empty handed, but not before I enjoyed a really yummy bourbon slush.

All dressed up for the Derby. I went hat shopping with the mission of buying the biggest hat I could find. Mission completed. I love that hat, I wish I could wear it more often. I mean really, think how much more fun going grocery shopping would be if I had that think perched on my head. It did have some downfalls though; really, really hot to have something that large on your head and the sheer vastness of the hat. It practically had wingspan and I repeatedly hit it against walls, my husband's head, etc. It was a tad dangerous but so, so worth it.

The littlest Derby fan. Even Addison Kate had a big hat on, granted she is looking at me like, "Seriously mom?" but still, so adorable.

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