Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Last night was trick or treating and we gathered up a group of friends and took over the neighborhood. The kids were all for it this year. Amelia was the first up to the door every time, no matter how scary it was decorated. After the first three houses where she knocked and then proceeded to open the door and yell trick or treat in the house, I had to go over some ground rules with her. Luke made it about halfway around the neighborhood and then got tired and hung out in the wagon eating Skittles. Not such a bad deal, I guess.
Amelia's school doesn't do a Halloween party but instead Fall de Rah. The kids are supposed to all dress "down on the farm." The school provides hay rides and lots of fall fun so she had a great day.

Luke had his first school Halloween party and enjoyed it thoroughly. What's not to like about cookies, cupcakes, and candy. We had the kids play games like "hot pumpkin" instead of hot potato and do some crafts.
It was a fun, sweet filled day and thankfully they slept great last night in a little sugar coma.

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