Saturday, October 25, 2008

Busy Week!

Our recent trips to the beach have left us with a plethora of oyster shells so we decided to pretty them up by painting them. The kids were quite creative, we have a Mardi Gras shell, a Packer shell, pumpkin shell and of course lots of red shells because Luke thinks the whole world should be painted red. When we ran out of shells, we moved to pinecones which are covering our backyard right now.
The YMCA had a Halloween party for the kids with a costume contest, face painting, pumpkin painting, cake walk, etc. The kids had lots of fun, we threw together costumes 10 minutes before it started so no prizes for us:( They still looked cute. I especially like Amelia's biker boots with the cowgirl outfit.

With three of us in "our crew" having birthdays in October, we try to get us all together to celebrate. We dined at Al Fresco, an Italian restaurant downtown, this week. Thankfully we sat outside because I think we could be heard all over town with our laughter and naughty gossip. Oh well, girls will be girls at any age I guess. Happy Birthday Kristen, Marian and me!
Also this week, I had an ultrasound done early in the week and the midwife still saw girl parts so Addison is still Addison. The midwife kept saying, "Wow, this girl has long legs, wow she loves showing off her legs, etc." Addison would not cooperate with showing us the money shot until 20 minutes later when we finally were about to give up, she just kept flashing those long, lanky legs. It was fun to see her and great to hear her healthy heartbeat.
Funny observations: Luke was sitting on my lap while I was on the computer this week and on the screen was a picture of Obama. Luke pointed to him and said, "Mommy, look, is that Daddy?" I said, "Ah, no that is a man named Obama who is running for president." Luke responded, "Well, he has big ears like Daddy."
True, however, Daddy is not a black man. I guess Stephen has been gone long enough if our son can't remember if his Dad is black or white.

1 comment:

Marian said...

Isn't it great that kids don't see color of the skin...just things that ears!