Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lil soccer feet and Grandma visits!

Grandma Nancy came for a visit this past week and the kids had a great time playing with her and showing her all of our favorite hang outs.
Amelia and Luke both had their first soccer games this past weekend. For Luke, it was his first soccer game ever, an all three year old team. This picture is a misrepresentation of the actual events of Luke's first game because it looks like he is actually playing soccer. He was very excited to play soccer and lined up for the first kick and all the kids started screaming and yelling at once to go after the ball. In addition all the parents and coaches started shouting, "No, kick it this way, no this way, etc." Poor Luke took one look at all the commotion and started crying and running toward me. So he spent half the game sitting next to me. The picture above is him standing on the field about 4 feet from me. I told him he had to be on the field and participate with his team if he wanted the team snack at the end of the game. So he stood in that exact spot the whole second half, clapping for his team as they raced from one end of the field to the other. And he gladly gobbled up his snack with the team after it was all over. Whew, there is always next week to try again.
Amelia sandwiched between her friends and teammates Mckenzie and Hayden. They have a mostly girl team and do really well. Amelia has gotten the hang of soccer this year. Last year she spent her time running along the sideline waving to us but this year she is right in the pack, kicking, pushing and getting covered in mud and grass for her efforts. Stephen would be very proud to watch his little soccer protege. Although, I think she still plays just for the snack too.
Our friends had a great Halloween party this past weekend complete with a haunted maze in their back property. It was a fun time for the kids and adults, with lots of yummy food and fun activities for the kids. My mom and I dressed as doctors/nurses in scrubs. Basically, I took the comfy excuse for a costume and just wanted to wear whatever would cover this huge belly.

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