Sunday, October 5, 2008


The kids did a great job today cleaning up their playroom so they got to watch a movie this afternoon. I went up to check on them and they both had chosen some interesting footwear to wear while enjoying their movie time. Especially Amelia, it's 83 degrees today and those are furry Eskimo boots.
I had to redeem their goofiness from above with how cute they look in normal clothes. Well normal clothes is relative I guess. These are normal clothes for the south, smocked dresses, big bows for the hair, we would probably get beat up back upnorth.

Amelia and Luke with their good friends Ben and Sophie after Sunday school. The kids were very excited to tell us about the Tower of Babel and how nobody was listening and how we need to listen to God. After church and Sunday school we enjoyed some lunch with Ben and Sophie and Kristen and Rod.

On a funny side note: Amelia was talking into my belly button to Addison, just saying she will see her in January, etc and Luke was ignoring us and playing. All of a sudden he came over and whispered into my belly button, "Don't worry Addison, you'll get plenty of cookies when you come out." Made me laugh about what is on that little guy's mind.

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