Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Celebrating the Advent Season

Our church has an annual Advent festival which helps us all prepare our hearts for our Savior's birth. Part of that festival is the option to dress up and take a picture with Mary/Joseph and the baby Jesus.  Addison was our only family member that put a costume on this year and spent time with Mary and Joseph.  A LOT OF TIME.  In this picture I think she was telling them they swaddled Jesus wrong.  She also kept telling them, "You do know you are not the real Mary and Joseph, right?"

Amelia and Luke both had field trips on the same day last week.  Same production of The Night Before Christamas but at different times.  I took the early shift with Luke's connections class and Stephen took the late shift with Amelia's class.  

After the production, Luke's class and I lunched at Mary Mahoney's restaurant which is downtown Biloxi.  Mary Mahoney's is a landmark in Biloxi, it was built as a private residence in 1737!  Although damaged, it even made it through Hurricane Katrina.  The children got to practice their manners and etiquette at a fancy restaurant and they all did beautifully.  The funniest moment was when I escorted Luke and two other little boys in the class to the men's restroom.  The whole restaurant, as well as the bathrooms, are fancy.  I told the boys to go on in and I waited in the lobby.  After a few moments, one of the servers came out of the bathroom laughing.  He told me all three of the boys walked in, stared at the wall and then at each other.  He explained to me that inside the bathroom is a giant black urinal but it is long and quite deep.  On top of that, it is filled with ice!  The boys didn't know what to do!  He told them they could "write their name in the snow."  They thought it was hilarious and all came out together and could not wait to tell me and their teacher all about it!  

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