Saturday, August 13, 2011

My babies are becoming big kids.

Fancy Addison...Addison has taken to dressing up and clomping down the stairs in her Cinderella high heels.  I pretty much have a panic attack when I hear her coming down in them as I picture her tripping and falling and breaking her remaining teeth; but if I try to help her she  very adamantly tells me, "Mommy no!  I do it myself."  Yes, your majesty.  

Luke has moved onto bigger and better things too.  Check out his new ride.  The family wanted to go on longer bike rides so this allows Luke to have more freedom and our family bike ride to last longer than a trip down the driveway.  He LOVES this bike and asks for a bike ride every day.  One of our favorite trips is on Saturday morning to the farmer's market because we buy some truly addicting beef jerky.  The beef jerky man knows our family embarrassingly well and Addison will say, "We go get beef jewrkey today?"  Probably not the healthiest thing we could pick up from the Farmer's Market I guess but at least we ride our bikes there.

Amelia and daddy recently decided to ride bikes to her school as well.  Amelia rode like a champ to and from school but check out Stephen's pink and green polka dot back pack.  It cracked me up watching him ride away with a monogrammed "Amelia" backback on his back but he had to transport it for her because it was too heavy.  It really is ridiculously heavy, third grade is no joke.

Addison trying out our latest goal, potty training.  She is doing well so far except for one major issue in the shoe department of Kohls.  All day long I hear the frantic phrase, "Mommy, I have to go potty on the toilet!" and we run as fast as we can to the bathroom.  I am then promptly told "Mommy, don't say yay Addison."  So I have to sit there silently watching her relieve herself. This is one demanding two year old.  As excited as I am to be done with diapers soon, it will be such a big milestone of having all big kids instead of babies.  She is wearing panties, sleeping in a big girl bed, drinking out of big girl cups...sigh, before I know it, it will be training bras and beer.  Actually beer may come before training bras if she takes after her momma considering I probably didn't NEED a training bra until I was about 17.  But I didn't have beer until I was 21 mom and dad, I swear ;) 

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