Friday, August 26, 2011


My Luke, my only boy, started Kindergarten this week.  I gulped back tears as I took this picture because time is going by so quickly.  He is getting so big, I mean look at those new Nikes!  They are like canoes.  He is already wearing the same size shoe as Amelia and she is two years older.  Luke was apprehensive even though he was returning to the same Montessori school he has been at for the last two years.  Before we left for Kindergarten open house, he told me his stomach hurt so he probably shouldn't go.  I tried to explain what a nervous stomach feels like but he said, "No mom, I'm sewious." ( I know speech therapy will kick some of these cute words out of him but I am holding on to them while I can).  Well, we made it through open house but he was still nervous his first day.  He told me, "My stomach was funny and my eyes were watery."  But he did great and I think he realized how fun it is to be the big man on campus now.  He is very excited to receive his first homework assignment although I am thinking that may be short lived.

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