Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Field day fun and Grandma and Grandpa

Amelia's school had field day this past week and it brought back lots of memories of my own field days. The days of standing long jump and three legged races were gone but replaced with lots of other fun activities. The kids participated in dizzy bat races, tug of war, scooter races, obstacle courses and football throw. Above is Amelia participating in the football throw, pretty good form I thought but she didn't quite have the distance. Then I realized while posting this, she was throwing with her right hand. No wonder she was having difficulty, she's a lefty!
Here she is looking cute while doing the hurdles. You know you've taken a lot of pictures of your kids if they have learned to turn to you, smile and pose while in midair doing the hurdles. She has been well trained.

We also had fun this week with Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Jon visiting . Addison was a lucky little baby having two extra pair of arms willing to hold her and give her lots of kisses.

Grandma and Grandpa with the whole crew. The kids loved having Grandma and Grandpa tell them stories at dinner. Their favorite from Grandpa was the raccoon that broke into Grandpa's tent when he was camping as a little boy and their favorite story from Grandma was the alligator that ate her golf ball after she hit him in the head.

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