Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Okay, this is a big difference between my sister and I. I have lived on the coast for two years and have never thought once that buying some bread and having 10,000 seagulls fly at my head would be a fun idea. However, Amy asked if we could "feed the birds" practically when her plane landed. So I found myself on the beach with my two eldest children, my niece and nephew and my super excited sister. I might add, I was huddled behind the group wearing the widest brimmed hat I owned hoping not to get pecked to death and/or pooped on. My sister bought two giant loaves of bread and off they went. Thank goodness Aunt Amy came to town because my kids LOVED it, they thought it was so fun and the coolest thing ever. Evan, however, was huddled with me. I don't blame you dude, way too many squawking birds for my taste.
I should win some sort of photo contest for this picture. Annie running with the birds.

See Amy looking at me like, "Don't you want to come closer??" Umm, no. In fact, I did come closer once to take some better pictures (I'll do anything for cute pictures) and I felt something fall on my head and I ran away screaming that I was pooped on. Actually, it ended up just being a piece of bread that one of the kids had thrown but that was enough warning for me.

They had so much fun, crazy kids. They had so much fun in fact, that Aunt Amy took them back the next day. Me and my wide brimmed hat stayed home.

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