Monday, August 4, 2008

Hard at Work

Stephen has been in Qatar now close to a month and I guess is as acclimated as he will become to handling his deployment. He said it's hard to get used to everything being brown and rock, no green at all. He also said it's 137 degrees so every day it is like sitting in an oven and blowing a hot hair dryer in your face. Yuck, it even sounds worse than Mississippi in August (although surprisingly similar). The picture is of Stephen and his CCATT team on the plane on the way to a mission. They've been doing a great job and making a difference in these soldiers lives. We're very proud of you honey! When they are not on a mission, they are working out A LOT, playing xbox, basketball, etc. Kind of like summer camp, except the being on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to go on a mission.

1 comment:

Marian said...

Cool photo!! Xbox?? where's the Wii?