Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mini Top Gun

Stephen sent the kids a package yesterday and they were over the moon with excitement. He sent them these amazing flight suits, just like Daddy's. The patches are all removable just like his and has their names on them, wings, American flags and a special patch. Stephen had special patches made for each of the kids by a little Arabic alteration shop on base. So he had a Disney princess patch made for Amelia and a Kung Fu Panda patch made for Luke. Luke's picture freaks me out just looking at it because he looks exactly like Stephen!

Ever since they got their flight suits they've been playing, they jump on the couch and say, "hurry, the plane is leaving for Iraq, we have to go visit daddy." When Luke woke up today he asked to put his flight suit back on and said, "When I grow up and get big I can wear this flight suit and go to Iraq like daddy." I can only pray that won't happen. But in the meantime, he sure looks cute.

Thanks Daddy, we all love our presents!

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