Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Big Kid!

Our baby girl started kindergarten today. As you can see from her face, she was 100% excited, 0% apprehensive. (I on the other hand was the exact opposite). This much excitement and it was only 6:45 in the morning!
Showing off her new backpack and lunchbox. I packed her a great first day lunch, sandwich, apple, carrots and cucumbers, applesauce and teddy grahams. I opened up her lunchbox when she got home and the only things she ate were the teddy grahams and a bite of apple. Go figure.
I thought the first day of school deserved a special snow cone treat. We were there about a half hour and Amelia never stopped talking the entire time. She told me all about her day, the rules of the classroom, how she needs to raise her hand to talk, the pledge of allegiance, going to P.E. class and how she has to wear tennis shoes every Wednesday, who brought lunch, who bought lunch, nap time, what books they read, etc. etc. etc. I was cracking up. I don't think she left one detail out. I am thrilled she loved it so much, it does make it a little easier for me. I was so happy to pick her up and see her smiling face. Although tomorrow, hurdle number two for mommy, she rides the bus home, yikes!
This was Luke sucking down his snow cone as fast as could while Amelia talked. All of a sudden he did this and said, "Mommy, it's like really cold but really hot too." I think he just experienced his first brain freeze!

1 comment:

Marian said...

true sign of fun is when you start your day off with curly hair and then it ends with straight!!

sounds like she is going to have fun in Melissa's class!
