Monday, June 24, 2019

Off to camp!

The day after we returned from Hawaii, it was time to unpack and repack all the kiddos so they could head off to church camps.
Luke went on a church youth trip to Estes Park, Colorado, ON A BUS!
I was glad I wasn't chaperoning that trip.

This is the day they climbed the mountain and got to see snow, it was the first time seeing snow for many of the kids and Luke said they were so excited!
Do you see Luke's weird grimace?
I knew right away what it was, his lips were so chapped they are still trying to heal a month later.  They were bleeding and swollen.  Colorado has just a teensy bit less humidity than Mississippi, I sent him with chapstick but he claims someone "stole" it.  Ouch.

The whole group!

Luke said the worship and praise time was the best he has ever experienced.
He loved it!
This is is his real smile, before the chapped lips.

After whitewater rafting!

They also hit the Six Flags in Texas on the way since it was like a gazillion hour bus ride.

Amelia and Addison also headed off to church camp at Twin Lakes up in Florence, MS.
Amelia was a LIT for the third year and she loved it as much as always.

Love to see this smiling face appear on the computer when she is away at camp :)

Addison on the ropes course.

Lots of fun camp stories from all the kids when they came home!
They were all good and exhausted!

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