Monday, June 17, 2019

Hawaii Part Five

On this morning we drove off the resort to Waimea Falls and Botanical Gardens.  It was definitely worth it!  The gardens were awesome and lush and to end the hike we got to swim in a waterfall!
To make the day even more special, it was Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!!
We love you so much!

Pointing out some yummy Hawaiian fruit.

Waimea Falls!
The water was 30 feet deep in front of the waterfall and freezing so it was very refreshing :) 

We did not know what these cool flowers/fruit were, but we thought they were cool :) 
We found bananas!

We continued to hang out on the North Shore of Oahu and ate lunch at a great burger place.

And of course we had to get shaved ice at the famous Matsumoto Shaved Ice!
It was very refreshing before out next adventure at the North Shore!

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