Saturday, September 22, 2012


When most of us think Belize, we think of gorgeous beaches, turquoise water and umbrella drinks.  Unfortunately, that is a very small glimpse of Belize.  Our church recently sent a mission team to Belmopan, Belize to learn more about the mission work of "The Word at Work."  The stories of need are endless as are the tales of God's people taking care of each other.  One of the people that touched our heart was Momma Leonie.  Momma Leonie had a horrible childhood filled with abuse by both parents.  She knew she was God's child and He would have a plan for her.  And boy did He!  Momma Leonie has made a home for the children of Belize that others have neglected and abused.  Through the last 25 years, she has had over 650 children pass through her doors from infants to teenagers.   She currently has 68 children living in her home.   It is an orphanage, but it is so much more.  It is a home to these kids and they call Leonie, "Mom."  They stay as long as they need, up until 19 years old.  Momma Leonie not only feeds, clothes and loves these children as her own but she also raises them to know Jesus and what his saving grace can do in their lives.  She calls her children her "princes and princesses" because they are children of The King.  Her home is called The Kings Children's Home.   She wants her children to know they are special and chosen and loved.  She is a remarkable woman, a true demonstration of Jesus' love right here on earth.  My family had the privilege of hosting Momma Leonie at our house for 5 days and the amount of love this woman exudes is remarkable.  
The kids first meeting Momma Leonie.  They loved her from moment one.  And she smiles this huge smile every time she was talking to children or talking about her own children.

The kids showing Momma Leonie around our neighborhood.  Amelia and Luke got to ask Momma Leonie so many questions about her children and what they like and how they run their house.  It was an amazing learning experience for them to realize how similar they were to the children in Belize.  I was a little nervous hosting Momma Leonie at first... would she see all my inadequacies as a mom?... would she think it was disgusting how many material possessions we had?...would the kids fight and scream and whine the whole weekend?  Thankfully all those worries went away when we spent our first 10 minutes with her.  She put us all at ease and we got to just be us, the Boskoviches...the good, the bad and the really ugly.  Cuz let's face it, we can only put on our "pretty, everything is perfect" faces for so long.  The kids started fighting shortly after meeting her about who got to sit by Momma Leonie at dinner.  Which of course led to great conversations about how she does dinner with 68 children and staff, who gets to sit by mommy??  Of course, only Luke could make everyone relax fully and just be ourselves.  Luke, being a seven year old, decided to toot, loudly at dinner.  And then heartily laughed while saying excuse me.  Stephen just looked at Momma Leonie and said, "With 68 children I bet you get a lot of that huh?"  She belly laughed and told us all sorts of stories which made us year old boys are just seven year old boys, no matter what country they live in.  

These two really formed a bond that was so sweet.  I also loved that Addison turned "Momma Leonie" into "Mommy Leonie."  

Leonie and I got a lot of time together after the kids went to bed, driving to different speaking engagements, etc. to get to know each other.  Her story is heartbreaking and uplifting at the same time.  I was so touched by this beautiful woman and her love of Jesus.  We can all say so easily, "I believe in God, I believe Jesus saved me."  But this woman is living it on a daily basis.  Giving of herself, over and over again just like Christ does for us.  We shared stories of growing up, marriage, our children, (she lights up in telling stories of her kids, just like any proud momma) and enjoyed her sharing with Steve and I what she saw in us and our kids.  

Love this incredible woman!

Addison is hmm, how do I say it...spirited.  One need not spend more than 15 minutes with Addison to get a taste of it.  She is spunky and funny and unbelievably talkative and opinionated for such a little being.  I figured, "If anyone can handle Addison, it would be Momma Leonie."  But just like all of us, more than once I saw Leonie try to stifle a smile after Addison said something so very Addison like.  At one point, she said to me while pointing to Addison, "Now she is a hand full!"  I had to just laugh and laugh, finally vindication.  If a mom of over 650 children thinks my three year old is a hand full, then at least I know where these wrinkles came from.  Addison was enthralled with Momma Leonie and wanted to be with her every second, "You sleep in my bed with me Momma Leonie?"  It was also funny how clear things are to a three year old.  Leonie was here to get some help to build a bigger home for her children.  They are 10 in a room and they are in the city and it is unsafe.  As we were talking about it being crowded Addison looked right up at her and said, "We are going to build you a bigger house because you have so many kids."  She made my heart smile.  If we all lived like three year olds and did what was just the obvious answer, this world would be a much better place.  

On the way to church.  

Sweet Momma Leonie.  I have so many memories I want to record seeing that this is my journal, which I happen to share with you, my wonderful readers.  Momma Leonie has been in the states before and she wanted me to take her to Walmart.  So off we went to Wally World.  Talk about a world of excess.  I think what blew my mind was the cost of things in Belize.  I knew the average family made about $3000 US a year so I assumed cost of living must be inexpensive too.  Boy was I wrong.  As we walked around Walmart and she told me prices (Shampoo-$4 here, $30 Belize, Iron-$22 here, $130Belize).  I could go on and on.  It was shocking to me when I thought about her getting soap, deodorant, etc. for all those kids.  I wanted to box up everything in Walmart and send it to her.  The needs are so great.  But we will get there, with God's help, we will get there.  Our church, through God, has great plans to help this wonderful home.  Another favorite moment that I will forever cherish is driving with Momma Leonie and one of my favorite songs came on, "I Can Only Imagine."  To be driving and singing in the car, just praising our Lord, two mommas a world away but hopefully making a lasting friendship.  If you don't know the song please google it.  It's beautiful, it talks about what it will be like the day we meet Jesus face to face.  "Will I stand in your presence, or to my knees will I fall?  Will I sing Halleluia? Will I be able to speak at all?  I can only imagine."

This is Momma Leonie visiting with my 1st grade Sunday School class.  They were so excited to meet her.  We had built a little house out of bricks to put our offerings in so we can help "Raise the Roof" for Momma Leonie.  They were full of questions for her and look how comfortable she is around all the children.  
This woman has forever touched so many lives in Belize.  But now she has also touched many hearts in Mississippi, including my family.  We hope to visit Belize but we won't be at a resort.  We will be with Momma Leonie and her children at The Kings Children's Home and doing what we can to help those prince and princesses know that Jesus loves them and has a plan for them.  "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.  Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  Plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11

Video about the King's Children's Home in Belize

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