Monday, April 23, 2012

First Haircut

It took me a long time to decide to cut Addison's hair, well 3 years and 3 months to be exact.  I did not intentionally set out to have her hair get so long but I also never got around to getting it cut.  Then before I knew it, she was two and she had this adorable, long, silky blonde hair.  All of a sudden, I got emotional about it.   " I can't cut her hair, that was the hair that was originally on her head when she came out of my womb!!!"  Which is actually kind of gross but whatever, I just couldn't cut it.  Well, now it was so long it could be tucked into her panties so I thought I better cut it before it dips in the toilet or something really traumatic.  (Oh, and keep the comments about her bow to yourself, she is a southern girl and that's how we roll).

Big girl, half way through her hair cut.  She was all smiles and was very excited to sit up in the chair.

All done, time for a treat!!!


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