Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Big Performances

The third grade production of Elfis and The Sleigh Riders starring Mckenzie as Jewel the Elf and Amelia as Dasher!

So, so, so cute.  Amelia has come a long way in her stage fright of her younger years.  She actually chose to "try out" for a speaking/dancing part as opposed to being in the choir.  This is the same girl who used to cling to my leg and stick her tongue into her cheek during dance recitals.  We were so proud of her:)

Jewel riding on Dasher.  

And guess what?  After three years performing as a sheep in the First Presbyterian Church of Ocean Springs Christmas pageant...Luke became a shepherd!!  We thought he made an adorable shepherd and he nailed his lines.  Well, actually he ad libbed one as he told me later in the car, "Mom, my line was "Hurry Up!" and I said, "Let's go!" instead.  Who can squelch great talent like that, I mean, "Let's go" is so much better than "Hurry Up!"  

In the rehearsal room before the big performance.  Luke had one moment of nervousness the morning of the show.  He started crying very hard and when I asked him what was wrong he bawled, "I'm afraid I am going to cough when I have to say my lines!"  (He had a cough and sniffles for about a week).  I was crying on the inside to watch him get so nervous but I told him, "Mommy will give you a cough drop right before you go on stage.  And, if you cough...big whoop.  Shepherds used to cough too."  He liked that answer and we were good after that.  

Amelia heading to the choir loft to sing her little heart out.

Sweet friends.

Buddies forever:)

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