Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Oh how I love Mother's Day.  The kids were so excited all week about what they had been making for mommy, they could barely keep their secrets.  The morning started out wonderfully because I got to sleep in (which granted these days was 7:30 but it was still fabulous).  When I did wake up I had three kids clobbering me with kisses and hugs shouting, "Happy Mother's Day!"  I am so thankful for a husband who loves to make Mother's Day so special.  He always lets the kids pick out what they want to get me.  So this year, Amelia wanted to get me a cookie cake with frosting, Luke wanted to get me a giant cupcake.  It is embarrassing how well my children know me.  Stephen stayed up until 1 am making the cookie cake from scratch that you see above, he didn't want Amelia to be disappointed but he had to wait until I went to bed.  He also made the kids "sandy feet" footprints.  I love them, they are perfect for our beach house and what a sweet reminder of our kids growing up in this house.  I can't wait to hang them up.  You can see Amelia holding up the silhouette she made at school as well as the letter she wrote me.  It was so cute, she wrote I had a big heart and she loved me dearly and she thanked me for buying her hairbows!  Sweet Amelia.  Luke painted me a fish canvas at school which is adorable and we will hang up very soon, as soon as I get to Michaels and buy a frame that is.  Very soon, or hopefully at least by next Mother's Day.  And of course my lovely husband made sure I had my day at the Beau Rivage Spa, thanks honey, I can't wait to use it:) 

Oh how I love these little munchkins.  I am so blessed.

They are all looking so cute dressed up for church.  However, show up at our house anytime after about three in the afternoon and I guarantee, Addison is in only a diaper and dirt, Amelia has lost her bow and is wearing something tie dyed and Luke is the wild card.  Yesterday during my Mother's Day dinner, where Stephen grilled me the biggest filet minon I have ever seen, Luke was wearing Star Wars Legos underpants, a Thanksgiving Indian shirt he had painted on in school (a dreadful brown color complete with fringe) and a pin that said Cool Kid.  I beg to differ.  Because the icing on the cake was he was wearing a fanny pack.  I don't even know where he found a fanny pack in this house.  I wish I had a picture because it would come in handy for blackmailing him during his teenage years.  

Love, love, love these tickle bugs.

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