Friday, December 3, 2010

Santa Claus is coming to town...

Christmas at Keesler is always a really fun event that the base puts together for military families.  Addison was SUPER excited to go on a hayride, she was jumping up and down shouting "A-ride, A-ride, yay!"  Maybe she remembered it from the pumpkin farm.  The whole park is decorated, there are hayrides, train rides, presents, hot chocolate and cookies, etc.  A fun night but it was COLD!  I mean really, even for my Wisconsin blood, it was only like 45 degrees out that night.  Brrrrrr.

A clown made the kids balloon animals.

Nothing says Christmas like a big pot belly pig.   There was a petting zoo with llamas and sheep and goats, etc.  I had a really cute picture of the llama that Addison kept kissing but I can't get it uploaded.  Just Luke and the weirdo pig.  

Daddy showed up after work and joined us for the tree lighting and the big man himself!

Luke with Santa talking away.  They had like a 20 minute conversation, I swear.  So Luke sits down and says, "Santa I want a real live bunny in a cage."  What??????  I have not heard a peep of this ever, so I am not really processing it and I have the camera and video camera and am smiling like an idiot at Santa when he apparently looks to me to get my reaction on the bunny situation, well I'm just smiling like an idiot so I hear Santa say to Luke, "Well, I guess that is okay then."  NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  I don't know how I am going to fix this one.  I am a rookie on the Santa thing and I think I blew the secret signal.

Amelia's big moment, I am listening intently because she never has a Christmas list.  But she just told Santa she didn't know what she wanted for Christmas.  Hmm, this is going to be a tricky Christmas for Mimi.

While waiting her turn Addison was clapping and saying, "Ho, Ho, Ho"  well, we decided not to traumatize her and stick her on Santa's lap but we thought she'd be okay on Amelia's lap.  Look at her face, um, hello, save me here.  

It went right to this in a split second.   Poor Addison.

Okay new day, new Christmas experience.  Addison is ready to try again.

Writing letters to Santa with a helpful elf.  This is our Ocean Springs tree lighting festivities.  The great thing was, we joined in all of the fun activities but then didn't have to wait in line for Santa since we did the whole Santa lap thing the previous night.  Amelia and Luke waited for Santa to pull up on the firetruck and then greeted him with a hug before he went to talk with all the children so they got their Santa fix for the night.

Luke mailing his letter, once again stating he wanted a live bunny in a cage.  I tried to reason with Luke telling him Santa didn't bring live animals and we wouldn't be here on Christmas morning but he insisted Santa's magic could keep the bunny safe until we got home.  Sigh, this is going to be a tough one.

More hot chocolate and cookies.  Can someone please remind Momma to put on some lipstick or something, geesh.

Addison sharing her cookie with mommy.

Merry Christmas!

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