Thursday, December 2, 2010

O Tannebaum, O Tannebaum

It's that time of year, time to decorate the trees.  Even Addison got into the fun this year.  I love decorating the trees with the whole family because the kids get so excited about unwrapping each ornament.  They get giddy with which one is going to be next.  We also get to walk down memory lane as we remember why we got each ornament.  It's just such a fun time of year to enjoy with your little ones.

Addison's method of hanging ornaments were as follows, climb the step ladder, chuck the ornament as hard as you can toward the middle of the tree and then clap for youself and say, "Yay, Addi!"  We managed to give her very soft, unbreakable ornaments so she could join in the fun too.

Mimikins finding a good spot.

Luke posing cute.  Star Wars jammie top and dinosaur jammie bottoms, what not normal tree decorating attire at your house? (Actually Luke went to pick the tree out in his jammies too, it was 11:30 am).  We got our tree from the same guy we always buy them from.  They drive down each year from Northern Wisconsin and we get the best deals for a Frasier fir.  $45 for a 9 foot tree, it's crazy.  We used to pay at least $80 every year when we lived in the midwest!  I don't get it but I love it.  

The kids tree, all of our ornaments from Stephen and I growing up as well as all of the kids homemade ones.  

The pretty tree.  All the fancy, schmancy ornaments.  
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

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