Monday, March 1, 2010

Haiti Missions

Stephen has been deployed for the Haiti humanitarian mission now for a little over 5 weeks. It seems like about 5 months but we are all hanging in there and proud of the work Daddy is doing. The picture above is Stephen on the C130 on the way to Haiti with the "Flat Stanley" Amelia made at school. Flat Stanley is a book series where Stanley can travel around the world in an envelope because he is flat. Amelia's school project was to send her Flat Stanley somewhere in a different state and have Flat Stanley come back with a report of that area. So Amelia definitely will have the coolest Flat Stanley project in school because he made it all the way to Haiti, Tampa, Walter Reed Hospital and lots of other places. We even have pictures of some Haitian children playing with Stanley. Pretty cool.
This picture melts my heart every time I look at it. It reminds me of what a special man I married.

1 comment:

Marian said...

I love visiting your blog! you're so good at keeping it updated. I'm so BEHIND! Thanks for keeping it up. It makes me smile to hear your news and to see pictures of the kids. We heard from Moran Realty that we have new tenats on 3034 Windwood --hope they are nice :) MISS YOU! and so glad to hear Stephen is coming home!