Friday, March 19, 2010

Big Girl

Look at this big girl flying down the slide! When did it happen, when did we go from having a baby to a babbling, yelling, laughing, banging, running toddler?

Look at those chompers on that girl :) Addison makes herself known wherever she is. She will laugh and tickle and tease and then yell right in your face, as loud as her little lungs allow, if she changes her mind about something. She adores reading books and will sit in any lap and have some sorry sucker read to her all day if anyone allows her to. She carries these huge books around, "Buk? Buk? Buk?" until someone sits down and then she scoots her little behind into your lap. She is learning to speak a lot more words now, everyday a few more crop up. She can say flower, balloon, eagle, cheese, bath, night night, and so many more. What is really fun is quizzing her from her books. She can point out everything in her books, "Addison, where are the fish, puppies, tricycle, tree, strawberries, etc. It always fascinates me to realize how much knowledge little baby brains can hold.

I love this picture, she just looks like such a little rascal.

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