Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh Baby!

On Saturday, these wonderful ladies threw me a baby shower for Addison Kate. The shower was at Martha's Tea Room and we had a delicious breakfast. I had such a fun time and Addison received so many adorable outfits and keepsakes. Thank you to all my dear friends, I am so glad you all came to celebrate the upcoming arrival of Addison Kate.
My crafty friends. Marian made me this beautiful diaper cake and the top little poof was a really cute baby outfit! My friends are much more creative than I am.

Kristen also made me a gorgeous diaper cake and look at this cake topper! It is a preggers "super mom" which is fitting for any poor soul who saw me in my wonder woman costume last year at Halloween!

Thank you so much to Cynthia, Blake and Kristen who planned this shower for me. You guys are the best and I had such a great time. Thanks for being such wonderful friends.

1 comment:

Chris and Sonya said...

Looking good lady--and those diaper cakes are awesome!