Thursday, February 14, 2013

When you are 4, birthdays are a BIG deal...

My seasoned blog readers will recognize this...The Children's House birthday celebration.  Although, now instead of me boo hooing about Luke turning a year older, we substitute in Addison.  She was SUPER, DUPER excited for it to finally be her turn for a birthday celebration.  

As her teachers discuss stories of Addison during each year, Addison would walk around the room and show each child corresponding pictures.  And when I say, "show" the children, I mean she would very deliberately step directly in front of each child and practically place the picture in front of their nose.  She wanted them to appreciate every flippin' baby moment.  This was her big day and nobody was going to miss it, darn it.  After discussing each year, she walks around the candle (the sun) while holding the earth to signify another year.  Hmm, that sounds kind of hippy drippy weird but it is adorable and makes me tear up each time she makes her orbit.
Holding up the baptismal dress Addison wore for her baptism as well as her big sister, her aunts and her mommy.

Addison about to blow out her candle.  Happy Birhday!

After the celebration of her life, Addison gets to announce the snacks she chose to share with her school.  So this little bitty baby of mine stands in front of 50 people and clearly says, "Today I brought big butterfly cookies, little boxes of raisins, jelly sandwiches and napkins."  Perfect little hostess, all smiles.  I pretty much can't properly welcome one person into my home without bumbling and mumbling.  Then comes the humongous task of picking out her three helpers...all the children wait anxiously to hear if she will call their name.  And do not be fooled these 3,4 and 5 year olds do some major lobbying to jockey for position to help with snack.  I couldn't help but feel like it was preschool Survivor or something.  Each child Addison picked to help, then walked up to her and told her thank you and gave her a hug!  That school continues to amaze me.  How they take these 44 children and motivate them to be well mannered, polite, patient and loving is beyond me.  Because all I get from Addison is a "Mom, you are SO mean."  

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